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NALS Board of Directors Meeting

                                Thursday, April 18 , 2024 • GCW, Inc. offices • Las Vegas, Nevada.

                               MINUTES                         Action Item: Michael Detwiler to write a technology article for the
        CALL TO ORDER                                          next Nevada Traverse.
        President Todd Enke called the meeting to order at 9:50 am.
                                                               ADVANCED EDUCATION
        ROLL CALL                                              Advanced Education Committee Chair Trent Keenan reported
        Todd Enke, President                                   Dr. Sims provided an update regarding the new four year degree
        Nick Ariotti, Vice President                           program act College of Southern Nevada (CSN). The program is
        Frank Wittie, Secretary                                on track to open in the fall. Solicitation for professors should be
        Michael Detwiler, Treasurer (via Zoom)                 released soon.  An advisory board will likely be put in place when
        Nancy Almanzan, Immediate Past President               the program opens.
        Adam Boroski, Director
        Erik Denman, Director                                  TRAVERSE
        Jason Higgins Director                                 The next edition will be completed at the end of May. Please sub-
        Crissy Willson, Executive Director                     mit reports and/or articles by May 5 .

        Absent: Brett Clarke, Director                         BPELS/PAL COUNCIL LIAISON
                                                               Report included in the agenda.
        Guests: Trent Keenan, Past President, Traverse Editor, WFPS Direc-
        tor; Heather Keenan, Young Surveyors Network; Greg Phillips, Past   BPELS Liaison Jake Johnson reported that BPELS discussed the
        President, WFPS Director (via Zoom)                    2022 Datum and impacts to NRS 327. Jake reported that NALS
                                                               is drafting potential language and will engage other stakeholders
        PRESIDENT’S REPORT                                     including NDOT.
        President Todd Enke reported that he attended the Lahontan Chap-  CONFERENCE
        ter meeting where he presented a Presidential Citation to Patty   Report included in the agenda.
        Mamola for her many years of service as Executive Director of the
        Nevada Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors.   Conference Chair Nancy Almanzan and Conference Manager Crissy
                                                               Willson reported on the Western Regional Survey Conference.
        VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT                                The attendance at the conference surpassed expectations. There
        Report included in agenda.                             were over 850 attendees including 134 full-paid attendees from
                                                               Nevada. We are still waiting on final bills but anticipate we will be
        Vice President Nick Ariotti reported attending the Conference and   able to reconcile by June.
        the last SNALS Chapter meeting.
                                                               The next Conference will be a CLSA/NALS Conference to be held
        TREASURER’S REPORT                                     March 29 – April 1, 2025 at the Silver Legacy in Reno, Nevada.
        Financial statements included in the agenda.
        MOVED by Nancy Almanzan and SECONDED to accept the finan-  Report distributed at the meeting.
        cial statements as included in the agenda. MOTION CARRIED.
                                                               Outreach Committee Chair Trent Keenan reported that between
        RIGHT OF ENTRY DOOR HANGERS                            the Lahontan and SNALS Chapters, 19 outreach events have been
        Executive Director Crissy Willson provided a draft Right of Entry   completed in the first quarter.  The carabiners
        door hanger. The Board discussed and after review of NRS sug-  have arrived and are available for outreach activities.  Additional
        gested that the anticipated date of entry be added to the door   supplies are available through NALS, NSPS, and NCEES.  If you will
        hanger near business card.  Crissy suggested that in addition to   be participating in an outreach event, please contact Trent or the
        notifying homeowners of possible work in their area, the door   NALS Office for supplies and to have your outreach event added to
        hangers could include a QR code with information on how the   the NALS master list.
        profession serves the public and careers in land surveying.
                                                               Trent reported that an Outreach 101 resource document is nearly
        Action Item: Crissy Willson to revise the door hangers and provide   complete. The document will contain links to information for each
        a new draft to the Board.                              grade level or outreach type.

        ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY                                    President Todd Enke reported that Jerry Juarez will be stepping
        Report included in the agenda.                         down as TrigStar Coordinator.  Contingent on Jerry’s written res-
                                                               ignation, Todd has appointed Heather Keenan to serve as TrigStar
        Advanced Technology Committee Chair Michael Detwiler reported   Coordinator.
        on the technology that was displayed at the Conference. As tech-  MOVED by Nick Ariotti and SECONDED to ratify the appointment
        nology advances, workflow is shifting to more hours in the office   of Heather Keenan as Trig Star Coordinator. MOTION CARRIED.
        analyzing and extracting data.
        20 The Nevada Traverse Vol.51, No.2, 2024
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