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Thoughts On                                            In order that students be taught practical and applicable knowl-
                                                               edge, there should be a consistent and constant assessment of
        Professional Practice                                  program courses, course content, and suggested course re-
                                                               quirements. This assessment should be done by knowledgeable
                                                               practitioners of the surveying profession. For ABET accredited
        and Education                                          programs, this is often done by an advisory committee mandat-
                                                               ed by ABET continuous assessment requirements.
        By: Knud E. Hermansen, P.L.S., P.E., Ph.D., Esq.       Participation in this advisory committee is usually done by invi-
                                                               tation of the program faculty. I will suggest that faculty invita-
        Article 10: Professional Partnering with Surveying Programs   tions are not always sent to practitioners best able to assess or
        This is a follow-up to Article No. 8 & 9 published in the Traverse    improve the program content for practical, relevance, and current
        Edition 51.1)                                          knowledge. Many are the committees I have seen that seem
                                                               to be composed of mostly alumni and retired faculty from the
        This is the tenth article I have prepared in the series offering   program. This makeup of an advisory committee is like asking
        thoughts on professional practice and education. In this article I   grandparents, cousins, nieces, and nephews to look for faults in
        advocate for a close partnership between professional members   the family tree that are to be made public.
        and the regional or state surveying programs.
                                                               In my experience an advisory committee composed of practi-
        In preparing this article, I draw on over thirty years of teach-  cal and knowledge members usually provides a great deal of
        ing in surveying studies. I have taught courses at Penn State   good, practical advice with the added bonus the members can
        University, University of Maine, Florida Atlantic University, and   be strong outside advocates of the surveying program when
        Florida State University. Each is different. All have strengths and   the program seeks donations or is thwarting attempts by the
        weaknesses. With more than fifty years of practice, I have been   university administration to eliminate or modify the program
        a member of several state professional societies and national   into something useful for the administration but not necessarily
        professional societies. I have maintained active professional   for the program, the profession, or the employer of the graduate
        consultation throughout my careers as an educator and military   from the program.
                                                               A second method of assuring relevant and practical education
         I begin with the premise that I believe a surveying program   of the surveying student is to assess and improve the success
        should be a professional program. By professional program   rate of students and graduates that take the fundamentals of
        I mean a program that offers a focused education providing   surveying exam. I believe NCEES does a credible job of keeping
        graduates with skills that are both practical and applicable - a   the contents of the exam consistent with current practice due
        program that pointedly leads to a career as a licensed profes-  in large part by relying on licensing board members and profes-
        sional. Examples of other professional programs at the bachelor   sional input. However, if a program does not require students
        of science degree level include nursing, accounting, and engi-  take the fundamentals of survey exam or use the exam scores
        neering.                                               for program assessment, this valuable source of assessment is
        I believe the focus of a survey program is to provide skilled
        graduates able and willing to enter the profession of surveying   A much less effective manner of assuring relevant and practical
        and take on typical surveying services soon after graduation.   education of the surveying graduate is through ABET program
        I strongly believe the graduate of a surveying program should   accreditation. By not fully lauding and embracing this avenue, I
        be knowledgeable enough to begin practicing with competency   do not wish to discourage a program from seeking and obtaining
        in the profession of surveying upon graduation. The graduate   accreditation or disparage ABET accreditation. The program con-
        should have the skill set to provide an employer with knowledge   tent guidance available under common disciplines listed within
        and efforts that will be profitable for the employer’s business.   ABET looks at a macro view of the surveying studies rather than
                                                               focus on a micro view of professional needs. As an aside, I am
        In previous articles, I have spoken about faculty qualifications so   not going to argue or encourage ABET take on a micro view by
        I will not speak in depth on that topic in this article. Suffice to say   discipline.
        that knowledgeable, experienced, and qualified faculty are not
        always able to stay abreast of what an employer would prefer   Rather, I wish to make a point that ABET accreditation does not
        that a graduate should know and possess. Many faculty lack   assure the program contents of an ABET accredited program are
        practical knowledge while often exceling in research knowledge.   necessarily offering a relevant and practical education sought
        Yet, it is the practical knowledge that is much more important to   by the typical employer within the profession. The criteria that
        the employer than cutting edge research knowledge. The reason   ABET accredited programs undergo continuous improvement
        for this disparity in faculty focus is not necessarily the faculty   and periodic assessment, often with the aid of an advisory com-
        member’s fault. University administrators are apt to focus their   mittee, can help considerably with relevant and current knowl-
        attention and efforts on increasing the money flowing into the   edge if the assessment is taken seriously and aid sought from
        university rather than upgrading the knowledge of graduates   the profession through advisory committee members. I hope to
        leaving the university. For state institutions, much emphasis   write more about the benefits and limitations of ABET accredita-
        is placed on obtaining research grants. Faculty promotion and   tion in another article.
        tenure is often tied to research dollars. Hence, faculty focus their
        efforts on research rather than practice.              Having given my opinion, I now offer advice by suggesting that
                                                               yearly evaluation of program courses and course content be
                                                                                                 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE u
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