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YSN Report -
Spring Update
By: Heather Keenan
The Western Regional Conference held on March 23 - 26 provided
a platform for networking, wisdom, and meeting new people
within the surveying community. The conference witnessed active
participation from various states, with notable engagement at the
Young Surveyors Booth and a range of exciting activities.
Young Surveyors Network Booth:
A sincere acknowledgment goes to WMK for their vital support
in sponsoring the Young Surveyors Booth. The booth garnered
significant attention and participation from representatives across
Arizona, California, and Nevada. The enthusiastic response re-
sulted in a substantial increase in new memberships for all states,
reflecting the growing interest in and importance of the Young
Surveyors Network.
Round Table Discussion:
A highlight of the conference was the engaging round table dis-
cussion on various components of the Young Surveyors Network.
Insights gathered from this session have inspired a set of ideas
to be presented to the NSPS YSN board. Among the discussed Thoughts On Professional Practice... continued from previous page
proposals, the concept of mentoring and obtaining widespread done by a committee composed of members of the profession.
enthusiasm. The potential to implement mentoring programs, The committee should take on the role of friendly guidance –
particularly in regions such as Las Vegas, Reno, Phoenix, and much like the bride’s mother for her daughter’s wedding. Then
Southern California, has been identified as a promising avenue for again, I may have used the wrong example given stories I have
nurturing talent and fostering professional growth. heard about the weddings of others where mothers went way
beyond friendly guidance. I shall refine my parallel by adding so
Axe Throwing Event: long as the bride’s mother is not allowed to take over the plan-
To add fun and relaxation to the conference schedule, the Young ning of the wedding itself.
Surveyors Network organized a thrilling Axe Throwing event at
the Axe Capital within Parkway Tavern. The event witnessed an Let me give some advice in detail. I think a committee is best
impressive turnout of 18 participants, including individuals from composed of at least one active member of the state surveying
outside the conference venue. The resounding success of this profession that is supporting the program such as the immediate
event has underscored the potential for future events to further past president of the state society. If the surveying program is a
engage and diversify our membership base. regional program, a member from each state should be sought.
Annual Camping Trip: Another member should be a current licensed member of the
Looking ahead, the Young Surveyors Network is excited to an- state surveyor licensing board.
nounce the fourth annual camping trip scheduled for July 26-28 in
Bridgeport, CA. This eagerly anticipated event promises a memo- All other members of the advisory committee should be em-
rable experience accompanied by the scenic beauty of Bridgeport. ployers or likely employers of the graduates from the program.
A small fee structure has been established to facilitate participa- Large multi-disciplinary firms and small firms should be well
tion. represented. Public and private sector employers should be
represented as well. Donors or potential donors to the program
Sponsorships available! should be welcomed as members. Someone that is willing to
We are offering sponsorship levels to fit every budget. We strive back their advice with donations are to be actively sought. For
to show our deep appreciation for our sponsors by providing brand example, including a member that is an equipment supplier
visibility through various marketing channels including social me- that generously donates up-to-date equipment to the program
dia, website, and email blasts. would be wise.
PLS Sponsor - $2000 Some may fault the perception I have just ‘painted’ that mem-
LSI Sponsor - $1000 bership on the committee can be bought. I would wink and nod
while countering with a Jewish saying that: “Life’s not as good
OST Sponsor - $500 with money as it is bad without it.” Let me state the intention of
YSN Supporter - $100 this Jewish saying in other terms, “A program that brings money
to the university is less likely to be eliminated than a program that
Sponsorship checks can be made payable to NALS Education costs the university money.”
Foundation and mailed to the 526 South E Street, Santa Rosa, CA
95404. Or, you can donate online. † Other books and articles by Knud can be found at https://
18 The Nevada Traverse Vol.51, No.2, 2024