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        Report included in agenda.                             Report included in the agenda.
                                                               Legislative Committee Robert Carrington reported working with
        YSN Representative Heather Keenan reported that the YSN booth   Jon Wooten to further refine the draft legislation to address the
        at the Conference was a great success and thanked WMK for   2022 Datum.  Robert and Jon have met with representatives of
        sponsoring the booth.  The YSN held a social during the Confer-  the Board of Registration and NDOT to discuss the potential of
        ence as well as a roundtable discussion that was well attended.    collaborating on the legislation.   A letter has been drafted outlin-
        The 4  annual camping trip has been finalized and will be held July   ing the proposed legislation which will be sent to stakeholders
        26-28 in Bridgeport, CA.                               in order to open dialogue, receive feedback, and gain support to
                                                               introduce legislation.
        NDOT Liaison Greg Phillips reported meeting with NDOT repre-  MEMBERSHIP
        sentatives.  NDOT would be interested in providing a workshop   Report included in agenda.
        to NALS members. The workshop would focus on how to utilize
        the Public Records Act (PRAs) and access Right of Way informa-
        tion.  The Board discussed that this would be best as an in-person   Executive Director Crissy Willson reported that membership
        workshop and suggested it be held in the Lahontan and SNALS   continues to increase.  An unpaid dues report was included in the
        area.                                                  agenda and the Board was urged to contact members on the list
                                                               to encourage them to renew their membership.
        Action Item: Crissy Willson and Greg Phillips to work with NDOT to
        finalize fall workshops in both the Lahontan and SNALS areas.  NSPS
                                                               NSPS Director Nancy Almanzan reported that in addition to her-
        WFPS                                                   self, Jason Higgins, Todd Enke, Trent Keenan, Robert Carrington,
        The WFPS Board of Directors meeting was held in conjunction   Ray Almanzan and Heather Keenan will be attending the NSPS
        with the Western Regional Survey Conference. It was noted that   spring meetings and lobby day.
        the Arizona Board of Technical Registration (BTR) is going through
        sunset review and while the house passed legislation extending   Nancy reported the topics for discussion during lobby day include
        the BTR for 8 years, the senate amended the bill to 2 years and is   licensure, monument preservation, and the TAP program.
        stalling on passing the legislation.  WFPS has an online continu-
        ing education catalog that includes many Steve Parrish seminars.   NSPS Model Law Ad Hoc Committee has sent an email indicat-
        WFPS also has a study program for the FS.  Both programs include   ing they will recommend not supporting the URISA Model Law
        profit sharing for the state associations. The highlight report will   proposed changes.  NALS remains opposed to the changes and
        be included in the Nevada Traverse.  The next meeting will be held   will have an opposition letter to submit should a motion be made
        June 22 .                                              to move the proposal forward.
        EDUCATION FOUNDATION                                   CHAPTER REPORTS
        Nancy Almanzan reported on the activities of the Education Foun-  Both the Lahontan and SNALS Chapters continue to meet on a
        dation (EF). The EF made over $18,000 at the scholarship auction   regular basis.  Chapter meetings are posted on the NALS website
        and gave $17,000 in scholarships. The NALS EF funds invested   calendar.
        through the NSPS Education Foundation continue to be used for
        expenses. There is approximately $185,000 remaining in that ac-
        count.                                                 Crissy reported that the Chapters have been live streaming and
                                                               recording their meetings. The recordings are made available on the
        LICENSING AD HOC                                       members only portion of the NALS website as a member benefit.
        Report included in agenda.                             With the size of the recordings, additional storage space is needed
                                                               for the Google Drive.
        Licensing Ad Hoc Committee Chair Jason Higgins reported that
        the committee consisting of eight members has set a bi-weekly   MOVED by Nick Ariotti and SECONDED to increase Google Drive
        meeting schedule. The committee has been tasked with reviewing   storage and allocate an additional $200 to the utility budget. MO-
        current licensing laws, reviewing other state licensing require-  TION CARRIED.
        ments, studying licensing trends, population/demographic data,
        and studying the potential outcome of providing alternate paths   BOARD MEETING SCHEDULE
        to licensure.  Jason reported that, as expected, this is a challeng-  July 12  – Board of Directors Meeting (Reno)
        ing topic but those involved are committed and passionate about   October 11  – Board of Directors Meeting (Las Vegas)
        the subject. The committee will continue to meet and provide
        progress reports to the Board of Directors prior to making a final   MEETING ADJOURNED
        recommendation for the Board to review.                Meeting adjourned at 3 PM.

                                                                                       The Nevada Traverse Vol.51, No.2, 2024  21
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