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WestFed Report                                type websites and suggesting that NSPS prioritize
                                                               addressing the issue.
                                                               Educational Initiatives and Resources: The meeting spotlighted
        By: Trent J. Keenan, PLS                               educational endeavors, including updates on the continuing edu-
                                                               cation library and the creation of an Ad-Hoc committee to create
        The Western Federation of Professional Surveyors (WFPS) held   a new study program for the Professional Surveying (PS) exam
        its last board meeting at the Horseshoe in Las Vegas, Nevada, at   chaired by Trent Keenan, PLS, reflecting WFPS’s commitment
        the junction with the 2024 Western Regional Surveying Confer-  to supporting our next generation in their professional develop-
        ence on March 22, 2024.                                ment. Trent is also currently working on an Outreach 101 kit that
                                                               will include resources for K-12 presentations.
        Key Developments and Resolutions that came out of the meet-
        ing are:                                               NCEES has revamped and is maintaining the
                                                               website and can provide outreach resources.
        Leadership Transitions and Officer Installations: The meeting
        opened with a leadership transition. Russ Kluesner took over carabiners have been received. Arizona,
        as Chair from Ben Petersen, who now serves as the Immediate   Colorado, Nevada, and Washington all ordered carabiners. There
        Past Chair. Trent Keenan was appointed as Chair-Elect and Greg   are a few hundred still available.
        Phillips as the Secretary/Treasurer, respectively. The board posi-
        tions change on the WestFed board every two years, so Russ will   State-Specific Updates and Initiatives: Representatives from
        be our Chairman for the next two years.                various states reported on local advancements and challenges,
                                                               covering legislative updates, educational program developments,
        Approval of Minutes and Financial Reports: The board unani-  and membership growth. (See WestFed Highlights in this edition)
        mously approved our October 2023 meeting minutes and ac-
        cepted the financial reports. As a side note, the only funds the   Future Plans and Closure: The board scheduled the next Zoom
        board has to work with are based on the WestFed Conference   meeting on June 22 and then the October Board meeting will
        every two years. There are no membership dues associated with   be held in St. George on October 12, which will include a special
        WestFed; all the funds come from the Bi-Annual Conference.   session to honor Ron Whitehead by setting a Final Point in Ron’s
                                                               remembrance. Ron was a HUGE part of the WestFed and Utah
        Committee Leadership and Appointments: Chair Russ Kluesner   Land Surveyors family for many years, so it’s only fitting that we
        announced the appointment of several key committee chairs,   tie a board meeting and Final Point together in October.
        focusing strategically on areas such as Bylaws, Conference Plan-
        ning, Outreach, Legislative Issues, Nominations, and Scholar-  Summary:
        ships. These appointments emphasize the board’s dedication to   The March 2024 WFPS Board of Directors meeting showcased
        using structured committee efforts to advance their goals.   WestFed’s effectiveness on governance issues. It highlighted
                                                               the collective efforts of state associations and members to
        Chair Russ Kluesner appointed the following committee chairs.  address professional, educational, and legislative challenges.

        Bylaws – Greg Phillips                                 As WestFed moves forward, it fosters a community among
                                                               land surveyors in the Western United States, ensuring that the
        Conference – Mike Nadeau                               profession stays dynamic and impactful in the face of changing
                                                               technological conditions.
        Outreach – Trent Keenan
        Legislative – Mike Nadeau

        Nominating – Ben Petersen
        Scholarship – Mike Fondren
        Updates on Conferences and Events: The ongoing 2024 West-
        ern Regional Survey Conference was a focal discussion point
        at this meeting, with its high attendance, including significant
        participation from WestFed members. Plans for the 2026 con-
        ference are already in motion and will be back at the Horseshoe
        Legislative and Professional Advocacy: Mike Nadeau reported
        on the Sense of Congress that NSPS has introduced to distin-
        guish land surveying as a profession as opposed to an occupa-

        Mike Nadeau also highlighted important legislative develop-
        ments, including lost their appeal with the
        judge ruling in favor of the California Board of Registration. Mike
        reported that several similar websites are popping up and that
        we must stay vigilant in reporting unlicensed practices to our
        state boards.

        The board motioned to send a letter to the National Society of
        Professional Surveyors (NSPS) expressing concern regarding My-

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