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The Experience and Its Impact                           lead to substantial legislative support for the land surveying
        Participating in the NSPS Day On The Hill was an incredibly   profession. The impact of our work at the NSPS Day On The Hill
        rewarding experience for all of us. It provided us with a direct line   extends beyond immediate legislative outcomes—it fosters a
        to influence policy and educate lawmakers about our profes-  broader recognition and respect for land surveying as a profes-
        sion’s challenges and needs. It also offered a unique opportunity   sion that is crucial to the nation’s welfare.
        to advocate directly for the value of land surveying in national
        development and public safety.                          Those interested in participating next year or learning more
        The discussions with lawmakers were enlightening and produc-  about these issues, please contact our NSPS Director, Nancy Al-
                                                                manzan, or our NALS Executive Director, Crissy Willson. Contact
        tive. They often served as educational sessions for congressional   information is available on the Who’s Who page of this edition.
        staff and representatives unfamiliar with the intricacies of the
        land surveying profession. Each meeting left our team hopeful,   As the NALS team looks to the future, we are not only prepar-
        as they sensed a genuine interest and willingness among the   ing for next year’s Lobby Day but also motivated to continue
        lawmakers to understand and potentially support our causes.   our work, ensuring that land surveyors’ voices are heard in the
        Looking Forward                                         halls of Congress. The journey to Washington may be an annual
        The success of this year’s event has only amplified our NALS   event, but the work and its impacts resonate daily in the work
        members to continue our advocacy efforts. We believe that   that land surveyors do across the country.
        sustained engagement and education of policymakers can

                                                                                       The Nevada Traverse Vol.51, No.2, 2024  15
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