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NSPS Spring

        Meeting and Student

        Competition 2024

        By: Heather Keenan

        This Year’s Student
        Competition   was
        again organized by
        Young Surveyors Net-
        work in Washington,
        DC. The participation
        from Colleges around
        the County was ex-
        cellent. In total, 21
        schools from around
        the Nation competed                                    was tasked with turning angles on a T2 to calculate the coordinates
        in the competition,                                    of an unknown coordinate for the monument Jeffersons Pier.  It
        from Cal Poly Tech                                     was great to see the outside interest from passers-by wondering
        to the University of                                   and asking what we were doing, especially because students were
        Puerto Rico and even                                   given extra credit for wearing Surveying attire from any past time
        two teams from Klein                                   period. Thank you to Les and Lisa Van Horn for bringing the equip-
        Collins High School                                    ment from NWTC, WSLS Foundation, and their personal collection
        from Texas. The com-                                   and guiding the traverse exercise.
        petition  structure
        was similar to last
        year, but due to the number of schools, half participated in the
        monument hunt portion one day, while the other half tackled the
        field exercises.  The monument hunt consisted of each school and
        a young surveyor scavenging around the city for NGS monuments.
        They were given an ArcGIS field map app designed by Linda Foster,
        ESRI of the monuments, including the NGS data sheets. Different
        point values were given to over 60 monuments. Their appointed
        young surveyor then recorded a picture of the monument, and ex-
        tra points were given to teams that posted a picture of the monu-
        ment to social media. Be sure to lookup up #nsps and #ysn to find
        these posts on various social media platforms.

        All field exercises took place near the Washington Monument. The
        field exercises comprised a four-sided traverse, level loop, and tri-
        angulation.  Young Surveyors were at each station to set up the
        equipment, judge the professionalism, and time the student’s
                                             computations.  For
                                             the traverse, stu-
                                             dents were given a
                                             Dumpy levels and   A social event after the competition Wednesday evening consisted
                                             chain and needed   of Bingo, Cards, and Bags. Wednesday morning, NSPS YSN held its
                                             to calculate interior   spring meeting. Our new president Nolan Mark led this meeting,
                                             angles, leg distanc-  and we welcomed Cameron Lowe as Vice President and Spencer
                                             es, and resulting   McCutcheon as Secretary. Thirty young surveyors were in atten-
                                             coordinates.  The  dance from 22 different states! We discussed upcoming events,
                                             level loop between   including a Young Surveyors Conference and the Fall meeting (Al-
                                             5 temporary monu-  buquerque, New Mexico, October 21-23). Tim Burch stopped in our
                                             ments was judged   meeting and spoke of the possibility of including Young Surveyors
                                             on field notes and   in the NSPS Day on the Hill campaign and the importance of Young
                                             closing  elevation.  Surveyors to NSPS’s future.
                                             The   triangulation
                                             exercise  used the   The winners of the competition were announced Wednesday fol-
                                             mini  Washington  lowing lunch.   Dunwoody college of technology placed First in the
                                             Monument  as a    Associate’s Division, and University of Akron placed first in the
                                             backsight. At the   Bachelorette Division.  Congratulations to all the Teams for their ef-
                                             same time, set up   forts and participation in this year’s competition. Follow NSPS YSN
                                             on two other co-  on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn for more posts and content.
                                             ordinate   known
                                             monuments    and

                                                                                       The Nevada Traverse Vol.51, No.2, 2024  19
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