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WestFed                                                NEVADA (NALS) Trent Keenan & Greg Phillips – Current member-
                                                               ship is 302. The new four-year degree program at Southern Nevada
        Highlights                                             (CSN) is scheduled to begin this fall. NALS continues to publish,
                                                               print, and mail four issues a year of the Nevada Traverse. NALS
                                                               is working to introduce legislation to address the 2022 datum. In
                                                               addition, NALS is looking at Right of Entry laws. NALS continues to
        The Western Federation of Professional Surveyors (WFPS) held a   focus on outreach and has participated in multiple job fairs, STEM
        Board of Directors meeting on March 22, 2024 at the Horseshoe in   fairs, and career technical education (CTE) events this year. More
        Las Vegas, Nevada.                                     information about NALS can be found on their website NvLandSur-

        ALASKA (ASPLS) Gary Gervelis – ASPLS Conference was held Febru-  NEW MEXICO (NMPS) Darryl Coster & Amanda Allred – More infor-
        ary 22-24, 2024 in Anchorage. More information about APLS can be   mation about NMPS can be found on their website
        found on their website
                                                               UTAH  (UCLS)  Mike  Nadeau  –  Current  membership  is  335.  UCLS
        ARIZONA (APLS) Mike Fondren – Current membership is 396. APLS   2024 Conference was held in St. George Feb. 21-23, 2024. The pro-
        has approved bylaw amendments which changes the composition   gram at Utah Valley is averaging 8 students a year and is in jeopardy
        of the Board of Directors and changes the Officer to be elected by   of closing. UCLS has increased their outreach efforts but participat-
        the membership.  The change also allows for the Young Surveyors   ing in STEM events. More information about UCLS can be found on
        Network to be chartered as a Chapter. The Board of Technical Reg-  their website
        istration (BTR) is going through sunset review. The Senate did not
        accept the House bill extending the BTR for 8 years. Instead, they   WASHINGTON (LSAW) Ben Petersen and Luke Lymangrover – Cur-
        have introduced a bill to extend only 2 years and amends the author-  rent membership is 796, an increase over last quarter. The LSAW
        ity of the BTR. APLS has launched a grassroots effort to support the   Conference was held at the Tulalip Resort & Casino on February
        continuation of the BTR. APLS received a proclamation from the Gov-  28  – March 1 and was well attended. LSAW continues to publish
        ernor declaring Land Surveyors Week. The Young Surveyors Network   the Evergreen State Surveyor magazine in both print and digital for-
        is active and participating in multiple outreach efforts. More informa-  mats. LSAW held an in-state Lobby Day and met with 11 legislators
        tion about APLS can be found on their website  to discuss monument preservation, recording fees, and deregulation
                                                               issues.  One of the Land Surveyor Members of the Board of Registra-
        CALIFORNIA (CLSA) Kevin Nehring & Kristie Achee - CLSA received a   tion will have expired their term in July 2024. LSAW is currently pro-
        resolution from the legislature declaring Land Surveying Week.  CLSA   moting the position and upon request will consider endorsement of a
        is working to find a sponsor to introduce a bill to require continuing   candidate. Professors at Clark College, Bellingham Tech, and Renton
        education. More information about CLSA can be found on their web-  Tech are all retiring this year.  More information about LSAW can be
        site                           found on their website

        COLORADO (PLSC) Todd Beers – Current membership is 345. PLSC   WYOMING (PLSW) John Lee – Current membership is 111.  PLSW
        has introduced an amendment to the sunset review bill to require   held a fall forum in November featuring Wendy Lathrop. Legislation
        continuing education for land surveyors. Additional legislation is be-  revising the state plane coordinate system passed and was signed
        ing tracked includes state plane coordinate system and a require-  by the Governor. Information about PLSW can be found on their web-
        ment to reference the current deed on a Land Survey Plat. PLSC has   site
        developed a list of volunteers to serve as CST proctors. The GIS in
        the Rockies planning is underway. The event will be held in-person in   WFPS FUNDAMENTAL OF SURVEYING (FS) EXAM STUDY COURSE
        September. PLSC remains active in outreach activities.  More infor-
        mation about PLSC can be found on their website  WFPS online Fundamentals of Surveying (FS) Study Course includes
                                                               approximately 16 hours of videos and a manual.  The program not
        HAWAII (HLSA) Alika Garo – More information about HLSA can be   only helps to bring affordable study resources to future Surveyors
        found on their website                  but also generates revenue for our state association members.  To
                                                               date, WFPS shared over $4000 in profits with our state association
        IDAHO (ISPLS)  Austin Ishino – Current membership 288. The 2024   members.  Information on the program can be found at
        ISPLS Conference was held at the Shoshone Bannock Hotel in Fort
        Hall, Idaho on February 27  – March 1st.  The conference was held   STEVE PARRISH CONTINUING EDUCATION LIBRARY
        hybrid with 213 in-person and 68 virtually. ISPLS raised $19,000
        for scholarships at the Conference. Austin Ishino is the new editor   WFPS has captured over 18 hours of webinars with respected
        of the Gem State Surveyor magazine. The state-specific portion of   speaker Steve Parrish. The webinars are available to purchase as a
        the exam has been removed. ISPLS has introduced legislation to get   full library or as individual modules. For those that require certificate
        the state-specific exam mandated again. Legislation to eliminate   of completion for continuing education, exams are available. Please
        mandatory continuing education failed. More information about   check with your state licensing board to confirm that continuing ed-
        ISPLS can be found on their new website   ucation credit for self-study webinars. Information on the program
                                                               can be found at
        MONTANA (MARLS)  Russ Kluesner  and Dick Smith – Flathead
        Valley Community College is still searching for a professor. Some of   WESTFED EDITOR’S FORUM
        the program has moved to an online platform and volunteers are
        needed to run labs with the students. Young Surveyors Network   WFPS continues to host an Editors Forum to share information
        has expanded and there was a large attendance from YSN at the   and exchange ideas for building better magazines.  For information,
        Conference. MARLS is currently working on updating their bylaws.   please email the WFPS Executive Office at
        The Surveyor Assistance Fund has been renamed More information
        can be found on their website

                                                                                       The Nevada Traverse Vol.51, No.2, 2024  25
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