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September TBD – Membership meeting.
                                Southern                        October 12  - SNALS Picnic and Bill Cuddy Final Point Ceremony
                                Chapter                         November TBD – Past Presidents Membership meeting.

                                Update                          December 6  – SNALS Christmas party at The Retreat on
                                                                Charleston Peak (formerly the Mt Charleston Hotel).
                                                                Excited to see how the rest of the year unfolds. While attendance
                                By: Erik Denman, PLS            and participation are trending upwards, there is still plenty to be
                                                                done. Our members deserve the best! If you have an interest in
                                                                attending or helping with any of the above events, I am always
                                                                just an email away. Also, if you have any concerns or ideas to
        Crazy to think the heat is just around the corner and school is   share, you can reach me here:
        winding down! Speaking of school, SNALS hosted Dr. Sims from
        the College of Southern Nevada (CSN) at our April membership   Your humble president
        meeting to discuss the upcoming Survey program at CSN. This
        meeting was originally scheduled for February, however, life hap-
        pened, and the meeting was rescheduled to April. There are still
        details to work out for this new program, but it is slated to start
        this fall, which is only a few months away. We had eighty people
        in attendance for this presentation, a great showing for survey
        and education.
        SNALS was the hosting chapter of NALS for the Western Re-
        gional Survey Conference that happened in March. A good time
        seemed to be had by all.  Lots of effort went into this conference
        but the results were worth it.
        Keep your eye out for these upcoming SNALS events:

        June 8  - SNALS Golf Tournament at Boulder Creek.
        July / August will be a Breakfast Roundtable event, good
        for PDH’s.

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                                                11027 S Pikes Peak Dr. #203
                                                    Parker, CO 80138


                                                                                       The Nevada Traverse Vol.51, No.2, 2024  23
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