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NALS the association and the profession continually move forward.
They share their expertise and passion for land surveying and
volunteer to serve on or chair committees, serve as an officer,
Annual Awards and mentor the future leaders of our organization. They do this
without the need or want of recognition and praise. They do it
for their love of the profession and to share their survey passion
with future generations of surveyors. One such individual has
Prepared by Nancy Almanzan, PLS gone above and beyond in his quest to promote surveying as a
Presidential Citations great profession, to mentor our upcoming leaders, and to ensure
I had the pleasure of serving as President in 2023 during NALS the regulations, statutes, and ordinances pertaining to land sur-
50 Anniversary year. One of the privileges as the outgoing Pres- veying in Nevada are thoroughly vetted and adhered to.
ident is the opportunity to honor individuals who have contrib-
uted to the betterment of the profession and association with a Robert Carrington and I go way back……we both worked for City
Presidential Citation. Our Board Members and Committee Chairs Surveyors in Southern Nevada and served on various NALS and
are recognized throughout the year and are often the recipients Southern Nevada Chapter Committees, mainly due to our men-
of our annual awards. While I thank the Board and Committee tors being very active and bringing us into the fold. We basically
Chairs from the bottom of my heart, this year I wanted to honor “grew up” together in the surveying profession and NALS into the
members who may not have served in leadership roles but have roles we now serve in the association.
still gone above and beyond behind the scenes as a contributor
to the future of land surveying.
First, there are two individuals who have worked tirelessly
over the last several years, not only promoting the NGS GPS
on benchmarks but also completing multiple observations. Jon
Wooten and Steve Martin have devoted their time over the years,
and we thank them for their efforts.
A few years ago, Nevada, Arizona, and Utah set the Three Cor-
ners Monument. Our state flags along with the US flag fly at the
monument and, as you can imagine, these flags need regular
maintenance. NALS member Corbin VanNest visits the monu-
ment at least three times a year to change out those flags and
ensures the area is clean and safe for visitors.
The NALS Education Foundation receives donations through-
out the year. There is one member who donates generously to
our memorial scholarships and our general student fund. I am Robert has led our Legislative Committee for several years. He
pleased to recognize Mr. Fred Wheeler for his generosity and monitors new bills on a daily basis during legislative years and
support of the NALS Education Foundation.
coordinates review and comment on potential bills or changes
to NRS & NAC all in an effort to ensure the health, safety, and
welfare of the public. As our Immediate Past President in 2023,
Robert chaired the Past President’s Advisory Council and “ral-
lied the troops” when we needed the experience and historical
knowledge of our Past Presidents. He was also instrumental
in the re-establishment of the geographical center of Nevada.
Robert, with the assistance of Michael Detwiler and a few others,
did most of the surveying and prepared and recorded a Record of
Survey now on file in the Lander County Recorder’s office.
As a mentor, Robert has been an advisor, counselor, therapist,
and friend to many. As a leader, he is supportive of others who
volunteer their time to serve on Chapter and State Board of
Directors and has worked with many as they “learned the ropes”
and fulfill the duties of the committee or office they hold.
Surveyor of the Year Robert has served in many roles in NALS, most recently as
Each year NALS recognizes an individual member who has President of the State Association in 2022. Due to the insur-
demonstrated outstanding service to NALS. The award is mountable amount of time and energy Robert has given to
selected by the NALS Board of Directors and is awarded to an NALS over the years, he was awarded the Meritorious Service
outstanding member who has best supported and promoted Award 13 years ago in 2011 and he is still as active and dedi-
the objectives of NALS and who has contributed to NALS activi- cated today. He is an advocate for the profession and the as-
ties at the state level. sociation through his commitment, enthusiasm, and dedication
over the years. It was an honor to award the 2023 Surveyor of
There are some people who have been involved with NALS the Year to Robert Carrington.
for many years, volunteering in different capacities to ensure
12 The Nevada Traverse Vol.51, No.2, 2024