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The Impact of                                           interested in national land surveying outreach. His continued
                                                                dedication is evident as he now serves on the newly estab-
                                                                lished Trig-Star board and the Military Committee— “Veterans
        Nevada Association                                      Traversing to Surveying.”

                                                                New Roles and Continued Contributions
        of Land Surveyors                                       Heather Keenan has recently embraced the role of Nevada State
                                                                Trig-Star coordinator. Despite stepping down as the national sec-
                                                                retary for the Young Surveyors Network (YSN), Heather continues
        On National                                             to contribute at the national level, particularly as the social media
                                                                chair for YSN, highlighting her dual role in state coordination and
                                                                national communication efforts.
        Committees                                              Legislative Involvement and Policy Influence

                                                                The legislative engagement of NALS members is noteworthy.
        Members of the Nevada Association of Land Surveyors (NALS)   Nancy Almanzan has recommended Michael Detwiler, the cur-
        are significantly shaping the future of the land surveying profes-  rent Treasurer of NALS, and Robert Mooers, a NALS member, to
        sion across the United States through their contributions to the   join the Government Affairs Committee under Chair Mark Sar-
        National Society of Professional Surveyors (NSPS). These mem-  gent. They are poised to contribute to discussions on the “Coun-
        bers are not only participants but also leaders in various NSPS   tering CCP Drones Act” (H.R.2864), which aims to amend the
        committees, illustrating that influence and leadership within   Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Act of 2019 by
        these groups are not limited to just our NSPS directors.  including specific equipment and services from DJI Technologies
                                                                in a list of communications equipment deemed untrustworthy.

        Local Commitment, National Impact                       You Can Do It, Too!
        NALS members are actively involved both locally and nationally,
        affirming that there is a committee for everyone’s passion—you   The contributions of NALS members like Nancy, Trent, Robert,
        just need to be engaged. This proactive involvement is essential,   Jason, etc., to national committees are invaluable. They represent
        as it allows members to apply their expertise to areas where   the high standards and dedication of Nevada’s land surveying
        they are most passionate, thereby contributing to broader goals   professionals and significantly contribute to shaping the educa-
        while fulfilling personal interests.                    tional landscape and professional standards of land surveyors
                                                                nationally. Their efforts ensure that the land surveying profession
                                                                remains dynamic, relevant, and responsive to the future’s chal-
        Leadership Across Borders                               lenges and opportunities. Are you next? Contact Nancy or Crissy
        Nancy Almanzan, a past president of NALS and the current NSPS   to find out how you can get more involved! Everyone’s contact
                                                                information can be found in this edition’s Who’s Who section.
        director for Nevada, exemplifies outstanding leadership for all
        of us in Nevada. Nancy plays a crucial role in casting votes for all
        official NSPS business representing NALS members. Her influ-
        ence also extends to the NSPS Foundation committee along with
        Brett Jefferson, where they manage substantial funds and select
        recipients for annual scholarships, demonstrating the significant
        impact of Nevada’s land surveyors on national initiatives.

        Additionally, Nancy Almanzan has been invited to collaborate
        with the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Sur-
        veying (NCEES) in developing a Public Land Survey System (PLSS)
        module for the Principles and Practice of Surveying (PS) exam.
        This new initiative aims to streamline the exam process for juris-
        dictions requiring such an assessment by potentially removing
        state-specific content.

        Developing the new PLSS module is a team effort, with Nancy
        Almanzan starting the process earlier this year. However, later
        this year, Robert Carrington and Jason Higgins will join her in the
        exam writing process, lending their expertise to ensure the mod-
        ule meets modern land surveying practices. Their involvement
        will be crucial in aligning the exam with modern land surveying
        professional standards and requirements.

        Trent Keenan, another past president of NALS, has taken the
        helm of the NSPS Workforce Development Committee since
        the Spring 2024 meetings. Trent played a key role in crafting
        the “Outreach 101” documents, a pivotal resource for those

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