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The                             hands-on field exercises to valuable networking opportunities, the
                                                               event showcased the bright future of our profession.
                               Editor’s                        Navigating the Automated Terrain: Check out the latest insightful
                                                               Digital Mapper Article by Micheal Dewilter; as the land surveying
                               Corner                          profession evolves with automation, our members remain at the
                                                               forefront, leveraging technologies like drones and terrestrial laser
                                                               scanners while upholding the essential role of human expertise in
                                                               data interpretation and validation.
                               By: Trent J. Keenan, PLS        The Impact of NALS on National Committees: Thankfully, Nevada
                                                               has always been at the forefront of our National Issues, however,
                                                               a lot of our members have had a more significant contribution to
        Welcome to Summer 2024! The months are going by so fast lately!   national committees, exemplifying their leadership and dedication
        I hope you all enjoyed another amazing Western Regional Confer-  to advancing the land surveying profession. From shaping policies
        ence in Las Vegas! The Bi-Annual Regional Conference is some-  to mentoring future professionals, our efforts ensure that Nevada’s
        thing I always look forward to; there are so many camaraderie and   surveying profession maintains its leading position in the industry.
        networking opportunities at every Conference we have. I hope you   NSPS Day On The Hill: I have been fortunate enough to participate
        all get the most out of each one you attend. I know I do!  in the last couple of Days on the Hill, including the COVID years

        As we rolled through the springtime, there is a lot to cover in   on Zoom. However, having the opportunity to advocate for critical
        this edition with all of the Outreach Events, the Conference, the   issues like professional licensure and monument preservation on a
        NSPS Spring meetings, and NSPS Day on the Hill (Lobby Day).   national level is a whole other experience. Read about our experi-
        I tried my best to highlight the events as much as possible.   ence with policymakers to help shape policies that safeguard the
        There will be a full NSPS Spring meeting report in the next edi-  integrity of our profession and ensure public safety.
        tion; we did not have time to get everything written up before   High School Outreach and Trig-Star: Our commitment to nurtur-
        the printing deadline!                                 ing the next generation of land surveyors is evident in successful
        So, let’s dive into this latest edition of the Nevada Traverse. We   outreach programs like Trig-Star (read the full report in this edition),
        are thrilled to present several insights, reports, and updates   which engage students and highlight the importance of mathemat-
        from the land surveying profession within Nevada and be-  ics and technical skills in our profession.
        yond. This issue encapsulates our esteemed members’ vibrant   In conclusion, this edition of the Nevada Traverse represents the
        activities and contributions, from board meetings to enriching   spirit of collaboration, enhancement, and community that defines
        conference summaries.                                  our land surveying profession. I want to thank our members for
        NALS Board of Directors Meeting Recap: Noteworthy highlights   their ongoing support and dedication.
        included President Todd Enke’s recognition of Patty Mamola’s   Remember, your feedback and contributions shape the content
        outstanding service as she is set to retire from a fantastic career   of our publication, so please continue to send in your articles and
        with NVBPELS. Nick Ariotti’s insightful conference experiences   comments. Together, let’s build a brighter future for land surveying
        and Crissy Willson is helping us redesign our Right of Entry door   in Nevada and beyond!
        hangers (more to come later this summer)!
        Western Regional Survey Conference 2024 Wrap-Up: The
        success of the Western Regional Survey Conference shows the
        collaborative spirit and commitment to the need for continuous   About the Cover...
        learning within our profession. With specialized workshops, schol-
        arship awards honoring Eric Christianson’s legacy, and engaging
        networking events. The Conference exhibit hall showcased the
        dynamic evolution of the land surveying profession over the last
        few years. There were so many toys to play with this year!
        Southern Chapter Update: The Southern Nevada Association
        of Land Surveyors (SNALS) has been bustling with activity, from
        hosting informative discussions with Dr. Sims to orchestrating
        successful events like the Western Regional Survey Confer-
        ence. Exciting upcoming events promise to engage our members
        further. Be sure to see the Southern Chapter events or check the
        NALS website calendar.
        Western Federation of Professional Surveyors (WFPS) Meeting:
        The recent WFPS meeting highlighted the importance of lead-
        ership transitions and strategic initiatives, including legislative
        advocacy and educational resource development. These efforts
        highlight our collective commitment to addressing our profes-
        sion’s challenges head-on.
                                                                    A selection of photos from both the Western Regional Conference and
        NSPS Spring Meeting and Student Competition: The enthusiasm                NSPS Day on the Hill
        displayed by students and young surveyors at the NSPS Spring     Do you have a cover shot you would like to submit?
        Meeting and Student Competition is extremely inspiring. From           Email:

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