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What is Your                                             March 5  - Southern Chapter Members exhibited at a Career fair
                                                                 at Bonanza High School.
        NALS Outreach                                            March 13  - Lahontan Chapter Members provided a presenta-
                                                                 tion to Sparks High School about a career in Land Surveying.
        Committee Up To                                          March 27  - Southern Chapter Members proctored the 2024
        This Year?                                               Trig-Star exam to about 10 students in the Math Club at WCTA.

                                                                 April 3  - Southern Chapter Members proctored the 2024 Trig-
                                                                 Star exam to about 90 Ed W. Clark High School students. Erik
        Prepared by Trent J. Keenan, PLS –                       Denman spoke to the students as a Career in Land Surveying
        Outreach Committee Chair                                 presentation prior to the exam.

                                                                 April 4  - Southern Chapter Members spent the day at North-
                                                                 west Career and Technical Academy, presenting a career in Land
                                                                 Surveying. As part of Project Lead the Way (PLTW), we helped the
                                                                 teacher explain the curriculum for land surveying. In addition, we
                                                                 helped about 80 kids from 3 classes run an eight-turn level loop
                                                                 around the parking lot.

                                                                 April 9  - Southern Chapter Members presented at Legacy High
                                                                 School for their Career Series Presentations about a career in
                                                                 land surveying.

                                                                 April 16  - Southern Chapter Members proctored the 2024 Trig-
                                                                 Star exam to about 60 Arbor View High School students.

                                                                 April 18  - Lahontan Chapter Members exhibited at Wooster
                                                                 High School Career Fair about a career in Land Surveying.
        January 20th – Southern Chapter Members provided judges for   April 23  - Southern Chapter Members presented to Sunrise
        the NCEES Future City, Best Surveying Practices Competition.   Acres Elementary School about a career in Land Surveying.
                                                                 April 23  - Lahontan Chapter Members proctored the 2024 Trig-
        January 23rd – Southern Chapter Members presented to Eldo-  Star exam to about 50 Oasis Academy High School students.
        rado High School about a career in Surveying. They presented 5
        different presentations to about 50 students.            May 6  - Southern Chapter Members presented to students at
                                                                 the Yeshiva Day School Las Vegas about a career in Surveying.
        January 24  - Lahontan Chapter Members provided a presen-
        tation to Churchill County High School about a career in Land   May 9  - Southern Chapter Members proctored the 2024 Trig-
        Surveying.                                               Star exam to about 30 students at ECTA.
        January 29  - Lahontan Chapter Members presented to Dayton   May 10  - Southern Chapter Members proctored the 2024 Trig-
        High School how to use an angle and measure a distance.  Star exam to about 30 students at SECTA.
        February 10  - Southern Chapter Members helped with the   May 14  - Lahontan Chapter Members exhibited at the Dayton
        MATHCOUNTS Event at UNLV – What is MATCHCOUNTS, you      Career & College Fair about a career in Land Surveying.
        ask? MATHCOUNTS provides engaging math programs to US    May 16  - Lahontan Chapter Members exhibited at the Sierra
        middle school students of all ability levels to build confidence and   Nevada Job Corp Career Fair about a career in Land Surveying.
        improve attitudes about math and problem-solving.
                                                                 Did we miss anything? If you participated in an outreach event
        February 21st - Southern Chapter Members exhibited at the   not listed here, please let us know!
        Northeast Career Tech High School and provided information
        about a career in land surveying.                        If you are interested in getting involved on the committee, please
                                                                 reach out to either Crissy or myself. Contact information is avail-
        February 22  - Southern Chapter Members presented to Beatty   able on the Who’s Who page of this edition.
        High School about a career in Surveying. They presented 5 differ-
        ent presentations to about 100 students.

                                                                                        The Nevada Traverse Vol.51, No.2, 2024  5
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