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High School                                                     volunteers were Heather Keenan, Trent Keenan, Erik
                                                                        Denman, Doug Wood, Frank Wittie, Josh Webb, Jona-
                                                                        than Wooten, and Sean Corkill. Please see below for
        Outreach / Trig-Star                                            the top three Trig-Stars:
                                                                          1  – Jaxon Relosa, 84, 51:23.00
        Math Exam                                                         2  – Jack Shultz, 60, 60:00.00
                                                                          3   – Jaxen Ross, 52, 60:00.00
        By: Sean Corkill, PLS & Heather Keenan
                                                                    •   On Tuesday, April 30, we proctored the 2024 Trig-
        Six schools were in the competition in the South. And one School   Star exam to Cimarron Memorial High School. Only 2
        in Fallon this year. Below is a summary of the Southern Chapter   students participated, and the highest score was 28.
        schools. The top three winners for each school are listed below.   AeroTech Mapping, Inc. was the sponsor for the cash
        Thank you, sponsors and volunteers! You made this a great       awards and the winner’s plaque. The coordinating
        Trig-Star year!                                                 teacher for Cimarron-Memorial High School is Mary-
                                                                        anna Billings (POC). Heather Keenan and Sean Corkill
                                                                        were volunteers for Cimarron-Memorial. Please see
                                                                        below for the top three Trig-Stars:
            •   On Wednesday, March 27, we proctored the 2024 Trig-
               Star exam to the Math Club at WCTA. Sean Corkill and       1  – Jacen Silio, 28, 60:00.00
               Alejandro Orosco spoke to the students as a Career in
               Land Surveying presentation in February to lead into       2  – Marjorie Santiago, 17, 60:00.00
               this exam. 9 students participated, and the highest         rd
               score was 90. The sponsor for the cash awards and          3   – there was no third-place competitor
               the winner’s plaque was Diamondback Land Survey-
               ing. The coordinating teacher for WCTA is Christopher
               Roser (POC). Volunteers for WCTA were Heather        •   On Thursday, May 9, we proctored the 2024 Trig-Star
               Keenan, Alejandro Orosco, and Sean Corkill. Please see   exam to ECTA. 23 students participated, and the high-
               below for the top three Trig-Stars:                      est score was 78. Wallace Morris Kline Land Survey-
                                                                        ing, LLC sponsored the cash awards and the winner’s
                  1  – Rohan Gupta, 90, 35:43.45                        plaque. The coordinating teacher for ECTA is Joshua
                  2  – Joshua Park, 84, 49:34.50                        Wertheimer (POC). Heather Keenan and Sean Corkill
                                                                        were volunteers for ECTA. Please see below for the top
                  3   – Aryn Chorrid, 82, 42:16.87                      three Trig-Stars:
                                                                          1  – Jose Zamarripa, 78, 53:40.39
            •   On Wednesday, April 3, we proctored the 2024 Trig-         nd
               Star exam to Ed W. Clark High School. Erik Denman          2  – Vyanet Cervantes-Garcia, 70, 43:13.75
               spoke to the students as a Career in Land Surveying        3   – Moses Goc-Ong, 70, 53:40.39
               presentation before the exam. 86 students partici-
               pated in the presentation and the exam. The highest
               score was 85. Monsen Engineering sponsored the       •   On Friday, May 10, we proctored the 2024 Trig-Star
               cash awards and the winner’s plaque. The coordinat-      exam to SECTA. 10 students participated, and the
               ing teachers for Clark High School are Jana Geesaman     highest score was 84. Tri-Core Land Surveying spon-
               (POC), Cassie Arquette, and Matthew Moyle. Volun-        sored the cash awards and the winner’s plaque. The
               teers for Clark High School were Heather Keenan,         coordinating teacher for SECTA is Cassidy Wertheimer
               Trent Keenan, Erik Denman, Doug Wood, Eliza Chavez,      (POC). Volunteers for SECTA were Heather Keenan and
               Jonathan Wooten, and Sean Corkill. Please see below      Sean Corkill. Please see below for the top three Trig-
               for the top three Trig-Stars:                            Stars:
                  1  – Dev Saxena, 85, 32:32.56                           1  – Alexander Scott, 84, 59:39.78
                  2  – Sharon Tan, 84, 57:08.54                           2  – Alice West, 72, 59:35.25
                  3   – Jack Guelos, 84, 58:23.70                         3   – Soyoka Kai, 70, 60:00.00
            •   On Tuesday, April 16, we proctored the 2024 Trig-Star   The first-place plaques for each school are ordered and will be
               exam to Arbor View High School. 58 students par-  delivered to the school’s front offices this week (along with all
               ticipated in the exam. The highest score was 84. The   of the participants’ tests to be used as practice for next year).
               sponsor for the cash awards and the winner’s plaque   The NV Trig-Star Plaque will be ordered shortly, and the exam
               is Diamondback Land Surveying. The coordinating   will be scheduled to work around the Trig-Star’s class schedule.
               teachers for Arbor View High School are John Pond
               (POC) and Julie Meservey. Arbor View High School

        6 The Nevada Traverse Vol.51, No.2, 2024
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