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N                                      A                  Inside this Issue...

          This publication is issued quarterly by the Nevada Association of   Featured Articles
                                                                    What is Your NALS Outreach Committee Up To This Year?
          Land Surveyors (NALS) and is published as a service to the Land   By: Trent J. Keenan, PLS ............................Pg. 5
          Surveying profession of the state of Nevada. The Nevada Traverse is
          an open forum for all Surveyors, with an editorial policy predicated   High School Outreach / Trig-Star Math Exam
          on the objective of NALS and Bylaws, Article II, which reads:  By: Sean Corkill, PLS & Heather Keenan .............Pg. 6

          “The purpose of the association shall be to promote the common   The Impact of Nevada Association of Land Surveyors
          good and welfare of its members in their activities in the profes-  On National Committees ...........................Pg. 7
          sion of Land Surveying; to promote the common good and welfare
          of the public in terms of professional land surveying activities; to   Western Regional Survey Conference 2024 Wrap-Up
          promote and maintain the highest possible standards of profes-  By: Trent J. Keenan, PLS.  ...........................Pg. 8
          sional ethics and practice; to promote public awareness and trust
          in Professional Land Surveyors and their work.            NALS Annual Awards
                                                                    By: Nancy Almanzan, PLS ........................ Pg. 12
          This organization, in its activities and in its membership, shall be non-
          partisan, non-sectarian, and non-discriminatory.”         The NSPS Day On The Hill: A Transformative Experience
                                                                    for Nevada Land Surveyors
          The publication is mailed to NALS members and similar organiza-  By: Trent J. Keenan, PLS.  ......................... Pg. 14
          tions on a complimentary basis. The Nevada Traverse is not copyright
          protected. Articles, except where specifically copyright noted, may   Navigating the Automated Terrain: The Evolution of the
          be reprinted with proper credit. Written permission to reprint copy-  Land Surveying and Geospatial Industry
          righted material must be secured either from the author directly, or   By: Michael Detwiler, PLS. ........................ Pg. 16
          through the editor.
                                                                    Thoughts On Professional Practice and Education
          Articles appearing in the publication do not necessarily reflect   By: Knud E. Hermansen, P.L.S., P.E., Ph.D., Esq.. .... Pg. 17
          the viewpoints of NALS, its officers, Board of Directors, or the
          editor, but are published as a service to its members, the general
          public, and for the betterment of the surveying profession. No
          responsibility is assumed for errors, misquotes, or deletions as
          to its contents.
                   Article & Advertising Deadlines                  Who’s Who ........................................Pg. 1

                 January 25th, April 25th, July 25th, October 25th
              To submit and article or to request information regarding   The Editor’s Corner ................................Pg. 3
               advertising, please contact the NALS Executive Office
                           NALS Executive Office                    President’s Message ...............................Pg. 4
                            T. (888) 994-3510
                                                                    Advertiser Index ...................................Pg. 4

          Running an ad does not imply endorsement of that advertiser by   YSN Report - Spring Update ...................... Pg. 18
          NALS, and the editor reserves the right to not accept ads which may
          be in poor taste or objectionable to the policies of NALS.  NSPS Update .................................... Pg. 19

                                                                    NALS BoD Meeting Minutes ...................... Pg. 20

                                                                    Professional Listings ............................. Pg. 22
              SUSTAINING MEMBERSHIP  220 Annually
                              INCLUDES:                             Southern Chapter Update ........................ Pg. 23
              • Complimentary business listing in the Traverse      WestFed Report & Highlights ..................... Pg. 24
              • Complimentary listing on NALS website
              • Member pricing on ads in the Nevada Traverse
                                                                    Sustaining Members ............................. Pg. 26

        2 The Nevada Traverse Vol.51, No.2, 2024
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