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Western Regional                                           Modernization” by Dr. Dru Smith and “Survey Tech: Existent, Oblit-
                                                                erated, or Lost” by Mike Hart, highlighting the technical nuances
                                                                and modern challenges in surveying. Technical advancements were
     Survey Conference                                          further explored in sessions like “Precise Aerial Mapping” by Ahmed
                                                                F. Elaksher, “Drone to CAD with Carlson” by Scott Griffin, and
                                                                Robert Mooers’s presentation on 3D Laser Scanning for Dummies,
     2024 Wrap-Up                                               emphasizing the integration of new technologies in traditional land
                                                                surveying practices.
                                                                Networking and Social Engagements
     Prepared by Trent J. Keenan, PLS
                                                                There were several networking opportunities that were integrated
     The Western Regional Survey Conference held from March 23 to 26th,   throughout the conference schedule, including a Bowling FUNd-
     2024, at the Horseshoe Las Vegas, marked another Bi-Annual   raiser at the Brooklyn Bowl and the Icebreaker Reception in the
     Western State gathering! It’s always been my favorite Conference!   Exhibit Hall, as well as the Scholarship Auction, which not only
     This year again did not disappoint and was organized by the collab-  facilitated professional connections but also supported educa-
     orative efforts of the Arizona Professional Land Surveyors (APLS),   tional initiatives within the land surveying community. The auction
     California Land Surveyors Association (CLSA), Nevada Association   generated nearly $18,000, which will be used to support Nevada
     of Land Surveyors (NALS), New Mexico Professional Surveyors   land surveying students! This year, the NALS Education Foundation
     (NMPS), Professional Land Surveyors of Wyoming (PLSW), and the   awarded the following scholarships to deserving students:
     Western Federation of Professional Surveyors (WFPS), the Confer-
     ence drew nearly 900 professionals eager to engage with the latest   Robert Hollis
     industry advancements and training opportunities.          Steve Parrish Memorial Scholarship - $2500
                                                                Ben Grissom Memorial Scholarship - $2500
     Pre-Workshop Day: March 23, 2024                           Frances Yu
     The Conference commenced on March 23 with a full-day workshop   Rita Lumos Leadership Scholarship - $2500
     that provided attendees with specialized knowledge and advanced
     training opportunities. The day was essential for the Certified   Hunter Staley
     Federal Surveyor’s (CFedS) workshop, which included a session on   Bill Cuddy Memorial Scholarship - $2500
     advanced computations in the Public Land Survey System (PLSS)   Gilberto Valencia
     presented by Glen Thurow. The afternoon sessions included a   Hispanic/Latino Scholarship - $2500
     presentation on Legal Research for Non-Lawyers by Tasha Huhta,
     offering insights for surveyors navigating legal research needed for   Mitchell Cohen
     particular BLM Surveys.                                    NALS EF Stipend - $1000
     Douglas Spotted Eagle led multiple sessions focusing on the   Will Strange
     integration and safety of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) in land   Eric Christianson Memorial Scholarship - $2500
     surveying, covering topics such as “Risk Mitigation for UAS Opera-  TrigStar Scholarship - $1000
     tions,” “UAS Safety 101,” and a comparative analysis of “LiDAR vs.   Leigh Anne Christianson attended the scholarship auction and
     Photogrammetry.” Additionally, Davey Edwards’ session on riparian   presented William Stange with a $2,500.00 scholarship in honor
     boundaries and Dave Grafton’s talk on the frontier of GIS integra-  of her late husband, Eric Christianson. Eric, who passed away
     tion were highlights, showcasing the expanding scope of land   unexpectedly on August 31, 2023, was a dedicated professional in
     surveying in digital contexts.                             land surveying, having built a 35-year career in Las Vegas. The Eric
     Opening Ceremonies: March 24, 2024                         Christianson Memorial Scholarship was established late last year,
                                                                and thanks to several generous contributions, the first scholar-
     The opening ceremonies on March 24 set an inspiring tone for the   ship was awarded to William. Eric’s legacy continues through this
     Conference. The ceremonies featured a national anthem perfor-  scholarship, supporting students pursuing careers in surveying and
     mance by national recording artist WyMac and a presentation of col-  reflecting his dedication and contributions to the profession.
     ors by the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department - Honor Guard,
     providing a patriotic start to the proceedings.            Looking Forward
     Engaging Sessions and Discussions: March 25-26, 2024       The Western Regional Survey Conference concluded on March 26
     Following the opening, the Conference offered a lot of sessions   with closing ceremonies and a grand prize drawing, leaving at-
                                                                tendees reinforced with new knowledge, skills, and professional
     designed to cater to the diverse needs and interests of the at-  networks. The Conference reinforced the importance of continual
     tendees. Presentations included Gary Kent’s “Art of Retracement,”   learning and adaptation.
     which provided deep insights into the technical aspects of retrac-
     ing historical surveys. Ethics in surveying, a critical element of the   As the land surveying profession continues to evolve with ad-
     profession, was adeptly covered by John Stahl.             vancements in technology and methodology, the insights and
     Kris Kline’s sessions on courtroom preparation and effective com-  connections made at this Conference will help shape the future of
                                                                land surveying across the Western United States. With a success-
     munication skills were tailored to enhance the legal understanding   ful wrap-up of the 2024 conference, we all look forward to more
     of surveyors. Updates from the Boards of Registration, featuring   gatherings that promote professional growth and technological
     speakers like Patty Mammola and Ric Moore, provided valuable
     regulatory updates across various states.                  advancement in the profession.
     Technical sessions continued to draw attention, with topics such   The success of the Conference would not have been possible
     as “Survey Tech: The Current State of Drone Surveying” by Logan   without the commitment of many people. Special thanks to the
     Campbell and “Boundaries and Adjacent Properties” by John Stahl,   vendors, sponsors, student volunteers, and conference committee
     reflecting the evolving technological landscape and the perennial   who made this event possible! Great job, everybody! If you haven’t
     importance of boundary issues in surveying.                already done so, you should mark your calendar for next year’s
                                                                Conference, which will be held March 29 -April 1, 2025, at the
     Concurrent Sessions and Technical Advances                 Silver Legacy in Reno, Nevada. See you there!
     The Conference also featured a series of concurrent sessions on
     various topics. These included advanced discussions on “NSRS

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