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Work-Life Balance:                                      Understand Your Entrepreneurial Operating System

        How to Supercharge                                      In the book The EOS Life: How to Live Your Ideal Entrepreneurial
                                                                Life, author Gino Wickman presents the concept of the Entre-
                                                                preneurial Operating System. In it, he says that living the ideal
        Your Goals and Live                                     life encompasses five major principles:

        Your Ideal Life                                             1.  Doing what you love
                                                                    2.  With people you love
        By: Trent J. Keenan, PLS                                    3.  Making a huge difference
                                                                    4.  Being compensated appropriately
        An abstract of a Mentoring Monday’s presentation from       5.  Finding time for other passions
        January 22, 2024
                                                                Doing what you love means identifying your unique abil-
                                                                ity: something you are good at, enjoy, and are committed to
                                                                improving long term. At the core, this should be something
                                                                that gives you more energy than it takes away. For Tony, tasks
                                                                like answering emails and dealing with frustrated clients take
                                                                energy away, while completing a boundary retracement leaves
                                                                him fulfilled and invigorated.

                                                                “So many people have no idea what their unique ability is. They
                                                                just go to the job, they get the work done, they go home. You’ve
                                                                got to find something that you really enjoy that you’re good at,”
                                                                he says.

                                                                One exercise recommended by strategic coaches is to take a
                                                                piece of paper and separate it into three columns: A, B, and C.
                                                                Under A, write down the work you’re really good at. Under B,
                                                                write down standard work that you do regularly. And under
                                                                C, write down the annoying tasks that seem to sap your time
        Each new year is a blank slate that provides a fresh opportunity   and energy. Then, try to delegate one thing from column C
        to set resolutions and priorities. While many people make a   every quarter until you’re doing more of the high value work
        generic pledge to get in shape or travel more, they often fail to   you enjoy.
        set concrete goals that work in service of a greater vision.
                                                                Once you identify your unique ability and start honing in on
        Dr. Tony Nettleman is a professional surveyor and licensed at-  what you love to do, make sure that you are surrounding your-
        torney who frequently serves as an expert witness in bound-  self with people who help fuel that positive energy, take time to
        ary easements and title disputes. He is also passionate about   give back, and charge for your work appropriately.
        learning the best ways that people can maximize their time,   Finally, even if you love your job overall, don’t neglect making
        energy, and happiness. He sat down on Mentoring Mondays to   time for passions outside of work. “You have to have a hobby
        conduct a workshop that put goal setting in a new perspective.   that takes your mind away from things. It’s amazing how much
                                                                time we spend worrying about stuff, especially work, that really
        Think about Life Goals Versus Career Goals              won’t matter,” Tony says.

        One of the most popular resolutions people have is to work   Identify Your Primary Aim
        harder, make more money, and advance their careers. While it’s
        a logical place to start, Tony advocates for a more holistic ap-  Managing the competing interests that allow you to achieve an
        proach to setting goals.                                ideal life can seem daunting. A program that Tony has enjoyed
                                                                using to make sense of everything comes from E-Myth Mastery:
        “Instead of thinking about your career and your business in the   The Seven Essential Disciplines for Building a World-Class Com-
        new year, think about your own life. What do you want out of   pany by Michael Gerber.
        your life?” he asks.
                                                                The name E-Myth refers to the fact that just because you’re
        It’s all too easy to get stuck in existing routines and habits   a business owner doesn’t mean you are automatically a good
        that keep you focused on small-scale tasks and don’t help you   entrepreneur. In fact, many business owners are miserable, and it
                                                                takes work — and coaching — to become successful and happy.
        achieve big-picture goals.
                                                                A key exercise that the program recommends is a questionnaire
        While the question “What is your ideal life?” may be broad,   that helps you identify what they call your primary aim. “The
        there are ways to think about it that help clarify exactly what   point of this exercise is to put your life first, because most small
        you want — and help you get there.                      business owners have a business that runs them,” Tony says.

        16 The Nevada Traverse Vol.51, No.1, 2024
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