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I would offer the opinion that if a licensing board eliminated
        from their state specific exams the deficiencies I have noted,   NALS Remembers –
        the licensing board would substantially reduce the contents of
        the exam or even eliminate the state specific exam altogether -   Todd Wittie
        perhaps go with an on-line study course and test.
                                                               By: Frank B. Wittie, PLS
        I will focus the remainder of this article discussing the future of
        state specific exams by suggesting three options. One option is               Sadly, I am writing again to say we
                                                                                      lost another surveyor this past Janu-
        to eliminate state specific exams. The second option is to offer              ary. Todd Wittie (my older brother)
        alternatives to examination. The third option is to modify the                was a lifelong field surveyor. He was
        testing procedures of a state specific exam to be more flexible               a proud second-generation land
        and in line with NCEES testing.                                               surveyor who surveyed all across the
                                                                                      state of Alaska before moving to Las
        Eliminating a state specific exam may be appropriate where                    Vegas. Todd had aspirations of get-
        there are few topics left after filtering them as previously noted            ting licensed, but that was cut short
        or for licensing in cases of comity. In cases of comity, if a sur-            due to his diagnosis of Huntington’s
                                                                                      Disease. He passed away at 54 years
        veyor has practiced in one state for a long period of time without            old after a long battle with Hunting-
        fault or discipline, experience and logic suggest the surveyor will           ton’s Disease.
        practice competently in another state when licensed.
                                                                Huntington’s Disease is a rare disease that can be described as
        Alternatives to testing for state specific knowledge would   combining Parkinson’s Disease and Alzheimer’s Disease together
        require surveyors watch a video explaining state specific law or   and symptoms start to show around the age of 40. Todd was a
        be sent a fact sheet on state specific law a surveyor should be   kind soul who would do anything he could to help and, in that vein,
                                                               he arranged upon his passing for his brain to be sent to Harvard
        aware of. Another option is to require attendance at a seminar or   Medical School so it could be studied in hopes of finding a cure for
        viewing videos where speakers explain state specific law.  Huntington’s Disease. He will be missed.

        The final option is to modify the state specific testing procedure.
        Provide references for the test questions that an applicant can
        study and allow on-line testing at test centers that can be taken
        by applicants anywhere and during any reasonable day and time.

        † Other books and articles by Knud can be found at https://

                                                                                       The Nevada Traverse Vol.51, No.1, 2024  19
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