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Head in the Point

        Clouds: A Guide to

        Choosing the Right

        LiDAR Sensor for UAS

        Aerial Mapping

        By: Michael Detwiler, PLS, CP
        Aerial mapping has undergone a revolutionary transformation   2.  Point Density and Resolution
        in recent years, thanks laregly to the miniaturization of sensors.   Point density and resolution refer to the number of laser pulses
        Instrument that would only fit in an airplane in the past, now   emitted per square meter and the resulting level of detail in the
        meet the smaller payload limits of a drone. LiDAR sensors play a   captured data. Higher point density and resolution contribute to
        pivotal role in capturing precise, three-dimensional data from the   more detailed point clouds, but not necessarily higher accuracy or
        air, enabling accurate topographic mapping, terrain modeling, and   precision. Single beam lasers are more precise but may capture
        environmental monitoring. However, with a myriad of LiDAR sen-  less density. Multi-beam or multi-channel sensors split the single
        sors available in the market, selecting the right one for your aerial   pulse, resulting in higher point density, but sacrifice precision.
        mapping project can be a daunting task. As with any sales pitch,   Multi-beam sensors tend to have more noise in the point cloud,
        often times the finer details are hidden or misunderstood. And I’ve   compared to single beam. For forestry projects, opting for a LiDAR
        seen in this emerging market a lot of misinformation and lack of   sensor with higher point density on trees themselves, becomes
        transparencey. In this article, I’ll explore the key factors to consider   imperative. However, for transportation projects, sacrificing point
        when choosing a LiDAR sensor, ensuring optimal performance and   density for better precision and accuracy on road surfaces, may be
        data quality for your specific project.                better suited.

        Understanding LiDAR Technology                             3.  Range and Field of View
                                                               The range of a LiDAR sensor dictates how far it can effectively
        Before delving into the selection process, it’s crucial to have a   capture data from the sensor platform. Additionally, the field of
        basic understanding of LiDAR technology. LiDAR is not new. LiDAR   view (FOV) determines the extent of the area covered in a single
        originates from NASA development with the Apollo missions in   scan. Understanding the sensor’s range and FOV limitations can
        the 1970’s. It became commercially available in the early 2000’s   be critical for what is being mapped. Flying out of the sensors
        and was quickly adopted in the aerial surveying and mapping   optimal range may result in laser pulses not returning to the sen-
        world as an alternative to photogrammetry. LiDAR works by   sor. On a power line mapping project, this is problematic, since it
        emitting laser pulses and measuring the time it takes for the laser   requires fine detail on smaller objects such as poles, conductor
        to return after reflecting off a surface. This data is then used to   wires, and insulators. Conversely, longer ranges are beneficial for
        create a highly detailed, three-dimensional point cloud model of   large-scale mapping, since more acreage can be mapped in less
        the terrain and/or surface objects. Aerial LiDAR systems typically   time. A wider FOV enhances efficiency by reducing the number of
        consist of three main components: the laser scanner, the Global   required passes.
        Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), and an Inertial Measurement
        Unit (IMU). A LiDAR sensor is termed an “active” sensor. Meaning
        it senses the light it generates itself. Whereas in photogrammetry,
        a camera senses the ambient light reflected by the sun. Compara-
        tively, a camera is considered a “passive” sensor.

        Key Considerations for Choosing the Right LiDAR Sensor
            1.  Accuracy and Precision
        One of the primary considerations when selecting a LiDAR sensor
        is the level of accuracy and precision it can achieve. There are vari-
        ous IMU’s, laser types, and GNSS chips that manufacturers inte-
        grate into a functioning unit. The ways these components interact
        as an integrated system directly effects the accuracy and proces-
        sion of the data. Different projects may have varying requirements
        for accuracy, and it’s crucial to match the sensor’s capabilities with   4.  Scanning Patterns and Speed
        the project’s specifications. Typically speaking, the more accurate   Different LiDAR sensors employ varying scanning patterns and
        and precise these components are, correlates to a higher price tag.  speeds. Understanding the scanning patterns, such as linear, helical,
                                                               or flash, and their impact on data collection is vital. Additionally,

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