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Southern Chapter                                        Lahontan

        Update                                                  Chapter Update

        By: Erik Denman, PLS
                                                                By: Eric C. Sage, PLS
        First of all, I want to wish you all a Happy New Year! 2024 looks   The Lahontan Chapter ended 2023 with a very enjoyable holiday
        pretty good so far, and I wish the same for each of you. Changes   dinner, drinks, and games at South 40. A much-needed night of
        are happening, and plenty is going on within the survey commu-  fun with our fellow surveyors. We started the year on January
        nity. Our first chapter meeting of this year was held on January   24  with our first chapter meeting; unfortunately, our speaker
        18  at a great new venue, Il Toro El Capra, for dinner. Our NALS   had to cancel due to snow falling over the Donner Summit. This
        President, Todd Enke, spoke to us about what to expect in the   is a good reason for canceling; we all love our snow up here this
        coming year and some of the current hot topics. After a great   time of year. It allows us to get out of the office to get a powder
        meal at a very reasonable cost, we had a raffle for some exciting   day. Professor Mike Mustafa Berber from California State Uni-
        tool-related items. Thank you to our sponsors, WMK Surveying   versity, Fresno, has graciously agreed to return for our April 10
        and Aerotech Mapping. We couldn’t have done this without your   Chapter meeting. Many of the January 24th meeting attendees
        support! We are heading back to Il Toro El Capra for our Febru-  expressed their excitement to hear Professor Berber speak on
                                                                the ASPRS Positional Accuracy Standards. Todd Enke kindly filled
        ary lunch meeting on Thursday, the 22  to hear Dr. Simms from   Professor Berber’s spot and gave us an update at the State Level
        CSN speak on the new surveying program they are launching   for the Nevada Association of Land Surveyors.
        in the Fall if all goes well. Don’t miss this, and encourage your
        techs and up-and-comers to check it out. At the January meet-  We quickly had our February meeting on the 1  to accommodate
        ing, I challenged the other professionals to buy lunch for a tech   the State Board meeting held at the Silver Legacy, which was
        to get them involved and introduce them to what was happening   geared towards the 5-year strategic plan. The 5 year strategic
        in SNALS. I’ve personally only heard from one of my techs so far,   plan plays an extremely important role in guiding the surveying
        but if they both want to go, I’ll pay for both. It is hard to argue   profession to promote its growth and transition into the future.
        when this lunch costs only $25. On that topic, I want to thank Jon   My hat goes off to all those who attended and volunteered their
        Wooten once again for finding this restaurant. They are reason-  time to help promote and protect our profession. The Southern
        able and extremely accommodating, not to mention the atmo-  Chapter (SNALS) joined us along with the NALS State Board
        sphere and great food.                                  Officers at our meeting. Nancy Almanzan, past president 2023,
                                                                swore in the Lahontan Chapter Officers. Will Rasid with Pheonix
        Looking forward, in March is the Western Regional Survey Con-  LiDAR Systems gave a great presentation on LiDAR Systems
        ference, where we will host five states (NV, AZ, CA, NM, and WY)   integrated with drones and the different sensors available. Being
        and the Western Federation of Professional Surveyors (WFPS) at   the first to see a project of complete scans by aerial and terres-
        our new location, the Horseshoe (formerly Bally’s) for this 4-day   trial sensors of Alcatraz was sure surprising and an interesting
        event, you don’t want to miss this. Here are some of the events   treat for those who attended.
        for the year to look forward to: membership meetings in April,   Moving on to the rest of the year, we have exciting speakers
        May, Sept, Oct & Nov, and keep an eye on your emails for details;   planned and are continually nailing down the details of each
        SNALS Golf Tournament on June 8  at Boulder Creek, look for   speaker. We already have two events planned this year and
        more information coming soon; in July or August will be a Break-  would like to see many of you there. “Go Reno Aces, bring down
        fast Roundtable event, good for PDH’s; the SNALS Picnic will be   the Las Vegas Aviators”. Come join us at the Greater Nevada Field
        in the Fall and coordinated with a survey related event; and to   to watch the Aces bring down the Aviators on July 26 . We will
        end the year in style, our Christmas party will be on December 6    be at the Double Play Deck with food and drinks; please bring the
        at The Retreat on Charleston Peak (formerly the Mt Charleston   kids and prepare for some fireworks. The Lahontan Chapter will
        Hotel).                                                 be hosting its Golf Tournament on August 30  at Lakeridge Golf
                                                                Course. Plan on coming out to have fun, hit some holes in some,
        What hasn’t changed is our outreach committee already has   and make sure you bring your sunblock. Keep an eye on your
        many events planned this year, with more in the works. As an   emails for the evite registrations.
        organization, we are getting more involved with career fairs and
        continuing presentations at schools, academies, and groups that
        include our target audience. This consists of the Trigstar compe-
        tition, where high schoolers take a timed national trigonometry-
        based test to win cash prizes and represent our state. We are al-
        ways looking for sponsors for the prize money for these events.
        Please reach out if you are interested. Warm bodies are always
        welcome, with multiple events going on; even if you volunteer
        just to work one, it helps greatly, and you’ll be rewarded with
        helping the next generation of surveyors!

        I’m always just an email away if you have any concerns or
        ideas to share; you can reach me here:
        Your humble President

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