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The Great Basin Scholarship was renamed the Steve Parrish Me-  MOVED by Nick Ariotti and SECONDED to send a letter opposing
        morial Scholarship. A large donation was receive by NALS Member   NSPS bringing forward and/or endorsing URISA’s proposed changes
        Fred Wheeler.                                          to the model law and outlining the specific concerns with language.
                                                               MOTION CARRIED.
        A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed with the family of
        Eric Christianson to create the Eric Christianson Memorial Scholarship.    MOVED by Jason Higgins and SECONDED to send a letter to NSPS
                                                               expressing concern regarding lack of proper procedures used regarding
                                                               the model law proposal. MOTION CARRIED.
        The EF will meet soon to review scholarship applications. Winners will
        be announced at the Conference.                        MOVED by Jason Higgins and SECONDED to ask Nancy Almanzan,
                                                               NSPS Director to request all correspondence and/or feedback regarding
        The NALS Board of Directors recommended the Education Foundation   the model law by individuals and state associations be distributed to
        consider offering reimbursement for the WFPS FS Study program and   all NSPS Board Members with authorization to share with their state
        the CST Exam. This will encourage more people to obtain their LSI and/  association leadership. MOTION CARRIED.
        or CST certifications.
                                                               The NSPS spring meetings will include Lobby Day and Student Compe-
        LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE                                  tition. NALS representatives will include: Nancy Almanzan, NSPS Direc-
        Legislative Committee Chair Robert Carrington reported that he and Jon   tor; Todd Enke, NALS President; Jason Higgins, NALS Past President
                                                               & Director; Trent Keenan, NALS Past President & Traverse Editor; and
        Wooten continue to work on the legislation to address the 2022 Datum.    Heather Keenan, NV YSN.
        Next steps include meeting with stakeholders including NDOT and find-
        ing a sponsor for the bill.                            OUTREACH
                                                               Outreach Committee Chair Trent Keenan reported that NALS has
        Amendment to the Right of Entry law was discussed as a potential ac-  already participated in outreach events in the new year! This includes
        tion of the Legislative Committee.                     high school presentations and NCEES Future Cities. NALS will continue
                                                               outreach with Career Technical Education (CTE) programs and confer-
        Budget Adjustment: The Board approved a budget of $500 to purchase   ences which has led to several classroom presentations.
        Right of Entry door hangers and develop a Right of Entry information
        sheet for Surveyors.                                   Trent reported the committee is currently working on developing booth
                                                               graphics for pop-up, table covers, and retractable banners.  The goal will
                                                               be to have a kit for both Chapters.
        The Board discussed the potential of hosting a state lobby day in con-
        junction with national surveyors week in 2025. This would be coupled   YOUNG SURVEYORS
        with an outreach event, potentially themed “Surveying Through His-  Nevada Young Surveyors Network (NV YSN) Representative Heather
        tory,” at the capitol.                                 Keenan reported on the activities over the last quarter. This included
                                                               the annual Christmas party.  The YSN is starting to plan for the annual
        MEMBERSHIP                                             camping trip as well.
        The “all surveyors” issue of the Traverse was mailed at the end of 2023.
        Included in the magazine was information for our 2024 membership   Nationally, the YSN will be managing the NSPS Student Competition.
        drive. Everyone who joined or renewed by February 1  will be entered   There will be 25 student teams and the competition will be held in
        to win a Yeti cooler.  We received several new member applications and   conjunction with NSPS spring meetings.
        nearly 50% of members already renewed their dues.
                                                               Executive Director Crissy Willson reported that the bylaws now allow
                                                               for the charting of the YSN as an official chapter of NALS.
        Report included in agenda.                             MOVED by Erik Denman and SECONDED to authorize the YSN to form a
                                                               chapter. MOTION CARRIED.
        NDOT Liaison Greg Phillips reported recently meeting with representa-
        tives of NDOT. The working group discussed ways to increase com-  WESTFED
        munication between NDOT and NALS including hosting a workshop to   The next WFPS meeting will be held Friday, March 22  at 1 PM at the
        discuss access to ROS, public record requests and other topics.  Horseshoe (day before the Conference).  NALS members are welcome
                                                               to attend as a guest to learn more about WFPS.
        NSPS Director Nancy Almanzan discussed the NCEES Model Law pro-  CHAPTER REPORTS
                                                               Lahontan Chapter meetings have been booked through June at the
        posal that was originally presented in October.  Originally, the proposal   downtown Courtyard Marriott which is a new venue for the Chapter.
        was reported to be an NSPS proposal from Tim Burch, Linda Foster, and
        Gary Kent. However, we have learned that this proposal actually is from   SNALS Chapter meetings have been scheduled and calendar will be
        URISA and is sent to NSPS to endorse.                  forwarded to the Executive Office for posting on the calendar.

        The NALS Board originally opposed the language in October.  Since then,   NEXT MEETING
        Board members viewed the webinar and subsequent correspondence   The next meeting will be held April 18  in Las Vegas in conjunction with
        from Gary Kent. The NALS Board reviewed the language considering the   the SNALS Chapter meeting.
        new information and remain opposed. Further, the NALS board remains
        concerned regarding the lack of proper procedure by NSPS.

                                                                                       The Nevada Traverse Vol.51, No.1, 2024  23
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