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NALS Board of Directors Meeting

                                Friday, February 2 , 2024 • Silver Legacy Resort • Reno, Nevada.

                               MINUTES                         MOVED by Nick Ariotti and SECONDED to ratify the appointments of
        NALS Board of Directors meeting held Friday, February 2, 2024 at   the President. MOTION CARRIED.
        the Silver Legacy Resort in Reno, NV.
                                                               The NALS Board of Directors appoints the majority of the NALS
        CALL TO ORDER                                          Education Foundation Board of Directors. Nancy Almanzan and Trent
        President Nancy Almanzan called the meeting to order at 1:45 PM.  Keenan term has expired and they are seeking reappointment.
        ROLL CALL                                              MOVED by Jason Higgins and SECONDED to appoint Nancy Almanzan
        Nancy Almanzan, 2023 President                         and Trent Keenan as Principal Directors of the NALS Education Foun-
        Todd Enke, 2024 President                              dation for a two-year term. MOTION CARRIED.
        Nick Ariotti, Vice President
        Frank Wittie, Secretary                                TREASURER’S REPORT
        Michael Detwiler, Treasurer                            Financial reports included in agenda.
        Robert Carrington, 2023 Immediate Past President
        Crissy Willson, Executive Director                     MOVED by Nick Ariotti and SECONDED to accept the financial state-
        Adam Boroski, Director                                 ments as included in the agenda. MOTION CARRIED.
        Brett Clarke, Director
        Erik Denman, Director                                  DELEGATION OF DUTIES
        Jason Higgins, Director                                The NALS bylaws allow for the delegation of certain duties of the Sec-
                                                               retary and Treasurer to the Executive Director. These duties include
        Guests: Trent Keenan, Past President, Traverse Editor, Committee   bookkeeping tasks, taking minutes, and maintaining membership list.
        Chair; Carl C.deBaca, Past President;
        Heather Keenan, NV YSN                                 MOVED by Frank Wittie and SECONDED to delegate the duties of
                                                               the Secretary with the exception of attending meetings to Executive
        AGENDA ADOPTION & REVISION                             Director Crissy Willson. MOTION CARRIED.
        MOVED by Todd Enke and SECONDED to approve the agenda. MO-
        TION CARRIED.                                          MOVED by Michael Detwiler and SECONDED to delegate the duties of
                                                               the Treasurer with the exception of attending meetings and signing
        INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS                               checks made payable to Association Management Services (AMS) or
        Past President Robert Carrington conducted the installation of Of-  its employees to Executive Director Crissy Willson. MOTION CARRIED.
        ficers and Directors.  Officers and Directors took the oath of office.
                                                               ADVANCED EDUCATION
        President Nancy Almanzan passed the gavel to Todd Enke. Nancy   Great Basin College (CBC) enrollment continues to stay strong. Less
        thanked the Board and Committee for their support over the year   than half those enrolled reside in Nevada.
        and commended them on their dedication to the association and
        the profession.                                        College of Southern Nevada (CSN) program is set to launch in the
                                                               fall. They will begin advertising for two full time professors (requires
        Todd thanked everyone for volunteering an extra day to participate in   bachelor degree or higher) as well as adjunct professors.
        the strategic planning session. The strategic planning will ensure that
        NALS continues to make positive strides in accomplishing our mission.  BOARD OF REGISTRATION
                                                               It was reported that Patty Mamola is retiring from the Board of Regis-
        COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS                                 tration. The deadline to apply for the position is March 1 .
        President Todd Enke made the following Committee Chair/Liaison
        appointments:                                          NEVADA TRAVERSE
        Advanced Education – Trent Keenan                      Traverse Editor Trent Keenan reported that the deadline for the next
        Advanced Technology – Michael Detwiler                 issue is February 12 .
        Board of Registration – Jake Johnson
        Bylaws – Frank Wittie                                  It has been several years since the advertising rates have been
        Communications/Publications (Traverse) – Trent Keenan  adjusted.  After reviewing the media kit, the black and white options
        Continuing Education/Conference – Nancy Almanzan       will be removed and there will be a slight increase in cost of advertis-
        Legislative – Robert Carrington                        ing. Business card ads will remain the same at only $165 for all four
        Licensure Ad Hoc – Jason Higgins                       issues ($41.25 an issue)
        Membership – Erik Denman and Eric Sage
        NDOT Ad Hoc – Greg Phillips                            CONFERENCE
        Nominating – Nancy Almanzan                            The Western Regional Survey Conference will be held March 23-26,
        NSPS Director – Nancy Almanzan                         2024 at the Horseshoe Las Vegas.  Sponsoring associations include:
        Past President’s Committee – Nancy Almanzan            APLS, CLSA, NALS, NMPS, PLSW, and WestFed.
        Professional Practice/Ethics – Paul Burn               Preliminary program and registration information is available at:
        Outreach – Trent Keenan                      
               Skills Competition SubCommittee – Carl C.deBaca
               Summer Camp SubCommittee – Nick Ariotti         EDUCATION FOUNDATION
        Young Surveyors Network – Heather Keenan               NALS Education Foundation (EF) Directors Nancy Almanzan and Trent
        WFPS Director – Trent Keenan & Greg Phillips           Keenan provided an update on EF activities.
        22 The Nevada Traverse Vol.51, No.1, 2024
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