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The                             generation of surveyors through events like the Trig-Star competi-
                                                               tion and school presentations is commendable, illustrating the
                                                               vital role of mentorship and education in our profession’s sustain-
                               Editor’s                        ability.

                                                               Young Surveyors Network: Building the Future
                               Corner                          The Young Surveyors Network’s update by Greg Saunders, PLS,
                                                               showcases the importance of creating a supportive environ-
                                                               ment for the next generation of surveyors. Through social events,
                               By: Trent J. Keenan, PLS        roundtable discussions, and networking opportunities, YSN is
                                                               carving out a space where young professionals can explore their
                                                               careers, share experiences, and find guidance in a relaxed and
        Paving the Path to Our Ideal Lives Through Surveying   welcoming atmosphere.
        Welcome to this edition of the Nevada Traverse. I hope you all   A Unified Vision for the Future
        enjoyed the walk down memory lane through last year’s editions. I
        know I really enjoyed putting each edition together, that’s for sure!   As we move forward, the insights from our peers inspire us to
                                                               reflect on our own paths. Whether it’s through setting meaning-
        In this edition, we delve into the profound insights and experienc-  ful goals, engaging with our community, or supporting the next
        es that define our profession and our lives beyond it. In the spirit   generation, we’re reminded of the impact our profession has
        of growth and reflection, we’ve had the privilege of learning from   on our lives and the world around us. Let’s embrace the journey
        some of the most thoughtful minds in our field, shedding light   ahead in 2024 with enthusiasm, dedication, and an open heart,
        on not just the technical aspects of surveying but on the broader   ever mindful of the legacy we wish to build, both as surveyors and
        journey towards living our ideal lives.                as individuals seeking to live our ideal lives.

        Embracing Work-Life Harmony                            Here’s to a year of growth, discovery, and achieving our aspira-
                                                               tions together!
        I hope you enjoy an engaging abstract from a Mentoring Monday’s
        presentation that I put together, emphasizing the importance of   Please send in your comments or articles so that what we print
        setting goals aligned with a greater vision for our lives. Dr. Tony   is what you want to read! Articles for the next edition are due on
        Nettleman’s presentation highlighted the need for a holistic ap-  May 1  please.
        proach to goal setting, urging us to look beyond career achieve-
        ments to what we truly desire from life. Through the lens of the   Every man owes a part of his time and money to the business or
        Entrepreneurial Operating System, we’re reminded of the signifi-  industry in which he is engaged. No man has the moral right to with-
        cance of doing what we love, surrounded by people who inspire   hold his support from an organization that is striving to improve the
        us, and making time for passions outside of work. This approach   conditions within his sphere! – Theodore Roosevelt
        doesn’t just enrich our professional lives but ensures our personal
        lives are equally fulfilling.
        Lahontan Chapter: Unity and Adventure                   About the Cover...
        The Lahontan Chapter, under Eric C. Sage, PLS, recounted a year
        filled with camaraderie and intellectual growth. From holiday
        gatherings to enriching chapter meetings, the community spirit
        within the chapter was palpable. Despite unexpected challenges
        like snowfall over the Donner Summit causing meeting cancella-
        tions, the chapter’s resilience and adaptability were evident. Look-
        ing forward, with exciting events and speakers on the horizon, the
        chapter continues to foster a sense of belonging and professional
        development among its members.
        A Personal Journey Through Surveying in the
        President’s Message
        The narrative doesn’t stop at professional development and com-
        munity engagement. We’re taken on a personal journey by our
        current 2024 NALS President who has seen the evolution of sur-
        veying technology and methodologies over decades. His story is
        a testament to the diverse paths within the surveying profession,
        from the early days of manual instruments to the advent of GPS
        and drones. It’s a reminder of the rich history and the constant
        innovation that characterizes our field, and how personal and
        professional lives can intertwine in the most rewarding ways.
        Southern Chapter: Renewal and Outreach
        Erik Denman, PLS, offers a glimpse into the vibrant activities and
        initiatives of the Southern Chapter. The commitment to education
        and outreach, evidenced by efforts to engage techs and up-and-  A selection of photos from the feature article, The Conundrum of California’s
        comers, sets a benchmark for professional growth and community   Northeast Corner: History, Legal Challenges, and Retracement, Part 2.
        involvement. The chapter’s dedication to fostering a future      Do you have a cover shot you would like to submit?

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