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NALS Board of Directors Meeting

                           Friday, April 22 , 2022 • Odyssey Engineering •  Via Zoom video conferencing

                                                               PAL COUNCIL
        CALL TO ORDER                                          Report included in agenda.
        President Robert Carrington called the meeting to order
        at 8:00 AM.                                            The committee on Land Surveying Standards and Practice has been inactive
                                                               but will reconvene meetings in 2022. The committee will work to gather the
        ROLL CALL                                              top ten issues that entities are having with map submittals and standards
        Robert Carrington, President                           of practice in land surveying. Based on that input the committee will review
        Nancy Almanzan, Vice President                         current regulations and make any recommended changes.
        Nick Ariotti, Secretary
        Todd Enke, Treasurer                                   As NALS works on draft language to address the US Survey Foot and the 2022
        Justin Moore, Immediate President                      Datum we will consult BPELS during the process.
        Michael Detwiler, Director
        Jake Johnson, Director                                 The Board of Registration and their committee meetings are being held via
        Trent Keenan, Director                                 Zoom and anyone can attend.  Information can be found at: https://nvbpels.
        Frank Wittie, Director                                 org/board/meetings/
        Crissy Willson, Executive Director
                                                               BYLAWS COMMITTEE
        Guest: Heather Keenan & Nick Montoya, Young Surveyors Network   Bylaws Chair Nancy Almanzan to draft proposed language to make the
                                                               Immediate Past President a voting member of the Board of Directors.
        President Robert Carrington led the Board of Directors in the Pledge of   NEVADA TRAVERSE
        Allegiance.                                            Traverse Editor Trent Keenan reported the deadline for reports and articles for
                                                               the next issue of the Traverse is May 16 .
        There were no additions or changes to the agenda.      OUTREACH
                                                               Outreach Committee Chair Trent Keenan reported participating in Touch a Truck
        PRESIDENT’S REPORT                                     and various career fairs.  Upcoming outreach activities include a booth at the
        Report included in agenda.                             State Fair and potential participation at the next FFA Convention.

        President Robert Carrington reported on the first quarter activities including   A nationwide challenge has been sent by Turning Points to increase the
        working with College of Southern Nevada (CSN) for a potential four-year   number of Boy Scout Surveying Badges.  Crissy suggested that NALS hold an
        degree program and hosting the Western Regional Survey Conference in Las   event on Reno and Las Vegas and invite local troops.
        Vegas.  Robert thanked the Board of Directors, NALS Executive Office, and all
        the volunteers that came together to make the conference successful.  We will begin working on the reestablishment of the geographic center project.
                                                               If you are scheduled to participate in an outreach event, or would like to
        TREASURER’S REPORT                                     get involved in outreach opportunities, please contact NALS at NALS@
        Report included in agenda.                   
        MOVED by Trent Keenan and SECONDED to accept the financial statements as   CONFERENCE COMMITTEE
        included in the agenda.  MOTION CARRIED.               Report included in agenda.
        ADVANCED EDUCATION COMMITTEE                           Conference Chair Nancy Almanzan and Conference Manager Crissy Willson
        Advanced Education Committee Chair Trent Keenan provided an update on the   reported on the Conference.
        potential four-year degree program at College of Southern Nevada (CSN).  CSN
        has recently purchased twelve total stations which is a good sign the program   There were approximately 900 total attendees. Nearly 700 attendees were
        may move forward.                                      full paid conference registrants, 108 of which were Nevada residents. A final
                                                               conference report will be available in June.
                                                               LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE
        Great Basin College (GBC) has removed the funding for a second professor.    Report included in agenda.
        NALS and NALS Education Foundation continue to encourage GBC to add a
        second professor which would assist Byron and qualify the program for ABET   Legislative Committee Chair Robert Carrington reported receiving suggested
        accreditation.  It is anticipated that 12 students will graduate the program this   changes to NRS 278.5692 & 278.5693 regarding Boundary Line Adjustments.
        year, 4 of which are Nevada residents.                 The Board reviewed the suggestions, no action taken at this time.
        Advanced Technology Committee Chair Mike Detwiler reported meeting   WFPS Directors Trent Keenan and Greg Phillips reported on the activities of
        with Sean Fernandez during the Conference. Sean manages the Nevada GPS   Western Federation of Professional Surveyors (WFPS or WestFed).
        Network (formerly Northern Nevada Cooperative Real Time Network).  Mike
        has offered assistance to help strengthen the network.  WFPS awarded a scholarship to Great Basin College student, Nathan Mersino.
                                                               The WFPS Board of Directors has authorized the Executive Committee to

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