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NSPS Directors Report                                              a.  Motion 1 to modify the Excom language in the
                                                                               NSPS bylaws - passed.
                                                                           b.  Motion 2 to modify the process for the election
                                                                               of officers was postponed indefinitely.
        By: Nancy J. Almanzan, PLS                                         c.   Motion 3 to prohibit the election of successive
                                                                               NSPS officers from the same state - did not pass.
                        The Spring 2022 NSPS Meetings were held
                        in Arlington, Virginia from March 30-April 2,   Education Committee
                        2022.  I attended the NSPS meetings virtu-   ·   The 2022 NSPS Student competition was coordinated
                        ally as the Western Regional Survey Confer-     by the NSPS Young Surveyors Network (YSN)
                        ence hosted by NALS, APLS, CLSA, UCLS, and      and consisted of a monument scavenger hunt in
        WFPS was held in Las Vegas on the same dates.  This year NSPS   Washington, DC, and a field day performing three
        is celebrating its 40  anniversary.                             exercises using manual equipment.  This format was a
                                                                        departure from the prior competitions in which teams
        Mark Sargent, the outgoing NSPS President presented NSPS        completed a significant project and presentation.
        Director Linda Foster, NSPS Executive Director Tim Burch, and   The student teams had 8 hours to locate up to 96
        NSPS Executive Director Emeritus Curt Sumner with Citations of   monuments during the scavenger hunt utilizing the
        Appreciation.                                                   Survey123 app through ESRI.  The field exercise
                                                                        consisted of utilizing antique survey instruments to run
        The following NSPS Officers for 2022-2023 were installed:       a traverse, a closed level loop, and triangulation that
               President: Amanda Allred, Washington                     included sighting the Washington Monument.  Ferris
               President-Elect: Bob Akins, Ohio                         State University won among 10 competing 4-year
               Secretary: Craig Amey, Michigan                          programs and Parkland College came in first place for
               Treasurer: Bob Miller, Pennsylvania                      2-year programs.
               Immediate Past President: Mark Sargent, New
               Hampshire                                             ·   NSPS voted to provide a $1000 Scholarship to support
                                                                        participation in the Women’s Survey Summit to be held
        The position of Vice-President ProTem was created to fill the   in Williamsburg, VA.
        vacant office of Vice President.  Dr. Davey Edwards of Texas
        was elected by the NSPS Board of Directors to the position of   Western States Directors Council
        Vice President – ProTem.  This term will expire after the Vice   ·   Threats to licensure/”Sense of Congress”:
        President elected by the NSPS membership this fall is installed at   Threats to licensure is ongoing at the state
        the Spring 2023 NSPS General Membership Meeting.                levels.  The “Sense of Congress” initiative is
                                                                        at the federal level.  John “JB” Byrd, the NSPS
        Henry Dingle, NSPS Director from North Carolina, and Henry      Legislative Representative, presented an
        Kuehlem, NSPS Director from Texas, were elected to serve as     update on progress and ongoing efforts on the
        NSPS Directors on the Executive Committee.
        NSPS will begin the process of developing an MOU with
        Puerto Rico.  The actual name of the surveying society was not   Joint Government Affairs
        mentioned in the motion.                                     ·   NSPS hosted a virtual town hall on Tuesday, May 10
                                                                        regarding the proposed changes to the Davis-Bacon
        NSPS will be filing for trademarks for “Certified Floodplain    Act.  These changes would include surveying to be
        Surveyor”.                                                      considered “labor” and thus subject to prevailing
                                                                        wage requirements.  John Palatiello and JB Byrd, NSPS
        Committee Meeting Highlights:                                   Legislative Representatives, discussed the proposed
         NSPS Foundation:                                               changes and a response on the “Updating the Davis-
                                                                        Bacon and Related Acts Regulations” as proposed by
            ·   Rick Howard is the new chairman of the NSPS             the Department of Labor. The Joint Government Affairs
                Foundation.                                             Committee (JGAC) worked closely with John and JB to
            ·   Per direction of the Community Fund, NSPS Foundation    craft this response and appreciate their efforts to draft
                can accept gifts of stocks, real estate, mineral rights,   a complete and thorough document filled with specific
                etc.                                                    yet relevant information.

            ·   The NSPS Foundation is looking to use social media   NSPS PAC
                platforms to help increase NSPSF fundraising.        •   The 2022 Day on the Hill was held virtually on March
            ·   Nevada YSN Heather Keenan was awarded the Thomas        30 . In these meetings, NSPS members helped with
                Foote scholarship.  Congratulations Heather!            educating Congressmen, Senators, and their staff on
        Workforce Development Committee                                 the three issues:
        •   Workforce development is a critical need facing our      •   1) Design Professional Occupational Licensing;
            profession.  The committee created several goals to work on:     •   2) Improvement in the status and structure of
            Identify State Workforce Development Committees; Review     surveying, mapping, and geospatial engineering in the
            the NCEES Marketing Research and Webinar Presentation
            (SCORE Initiative); Recruit the next generation of Surveyors,   U.S. Army Corps of Engineers;
            and Train the next generation of Surveyors.              •   3) Reform of FEMA’s National Flood Insurance Program
                                                                        (NFIP) surveying and mapping
         Governance Committee:
        •   The Governance Committee offered several motions at the
            spring meeting:
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