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The Importance of Workforce Development... continued from page 28  Threats to Licensure... continued from page 42
        Treat Your Staff with Respect                         Again, there is no argument here against the value of education.

        Finally, one of the best ways you can impress your staff is by   All surveyors benefit greatly from technical courses, boundary
        treating them like human beings and respecting the unique   classes, and business and communication classes. The question is
        dynamics of their lives.                              simply how is the requirement of a degree for licensure impacting
        Many of us grew up in an era of putting hard work before   our numbers and the profession. Is it a threat and if so, what is the
        everything else. But the demands of the modern world have   education-plus-experience recipe for success when it comes to
        changed, and so have modern worker expectations.      becoming a licensed land surveyor?

                                                              We need clearer national standards in order to cultivate a unified
                                                              voice and enhance public perception of our profession.

                                                              Threat #5: Perceptions of Pay and Advancement

        Setting the right professional expectations about work-life
        balance can help employees feel like they don’t have to do it
        all—they can balance the demands of a sick child or personal
        obligations with their work.
        You’d also be surprised what employees will share with you
        if you give them an opportunity to open up. For example, one
        Surveyor noticed he had an employee struggling to get to work   Finally, there is one benchmark that can deter or attract talent
        on time every morning. It turns out that his family only had   to any profession: the perceived ability to make good money and
        one car. He solved the problem by letting the employee use a   advance your career.
        company truck. It took an incredible burden off of the employee
        and showed that his employer cared.
                                                              In the current climate of high-demand surveying, there is no reason
        Today’s workforce wants to feel valued and have an element of   that firms should not be charging premium rates and paying their
        being autonomous. Why not let employees head home from the
        job site, and email their data back to the office via VPN? As long   employees accordingly. We need to combat the perception that
        as you get the results that you need, it may be less critical that all   engineering is a superior career pathway simply because engineers
        work happens from the confines of the office.         make more money.

        Competitive pay is also important but remember that it’s less
        about pure salary and more about overall compensation. If you   Young professionals also want to see a clear path to progression
        offer a full suite of benefits, communicate the value of those   once they enter an industry. They may not expect overnight
        to employees. Everything from fitness budgets to charitable   success, but they do want to know the steps that will take them
        donations makes up the total compensation package. That said,
        be sure to conduct annual salary increases and raises that take   from step A to B.
        into account inflation and the rising cost of living.
                                                              While small firms with slow staff turnover may not be able to
        There are many factors that can help develop our existing
        workforce, and they are all things that can be implemented in our   guarantee quick progression, firms of all sizes can still do things
        individual surveying businesses to varying degrees.   like let new surveyors master equipment sooner, encourage them
                                                              to attend conferences and professional events, and pay them
        If nothing else, remember that employees want a mentor and
        guide who will pass on their expertise. When we ensure that   appropriately.
        knowledge is shared and employee voices are heard, we can rest
        assured that we will retain the current generation of surveyors   It boils down to providing the type of working environment and
        who are already under our care.                       support that allows individuals to feel like true members of the
        One more side note: I will have an entire article devoted to Servant   profession rather than just button-pushers. If we can do that for
        Leadership in an upcoming Nevada Traverse this year and it will hit   both current and potential employees, we will have a good shot at
        on this topic in more detail.                         protecting and enhancing our beloved profession.

        44 The Nevada Traverse Vol.49, No.2, 2022
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