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Lahontan Chapter
Update Getting It Done
By: Jake Johnson, PLS With Carlson
2022 has been a busy and fast-moving year for most of us. The
year is already halfway over, and we are getting ready to move
into summer. Since our last update we have held several chapter
meetings and a successful conference.
The industry-leading
The February meeting was a chapter update. In this meeting photogrammetry
we discussed chapter committees and talked about upcoming
events. Eric Sage and Justin Moore volunteered to organize the golf and survey solutions
tournament coming up in July. Lance Smith volunteered to organize
a chapter barbeque later in the summer. I’d like to thank these
gentlemen for taking the lead on these events. I am looking forward
to attending. I’m sure we will all have a great time.
In March we had guest speakers from the Friends of Sutro tunnel
and Erock. They presented on the rehabilitation work being done
at the portal of the Sutro tunnel, including using a drone to scan the And plenty of learning opportunities!
portal which is too dangerous for humans to enter. Also in March,
we requested and received Land Surveyors Week proclamations
from the City of Reno and the City of Sparks.
The Western Regional Survey Conference was held at the end of
March and the first days of April. The conference was a success, The perfect opportunity for in-person Carlson Training
and it was great to see so many Lahontan Chapter members in Specialized training tracks for Survey, Civil,
attendance. After two years of virtual conferences, it was nice to be Field, Mining, and more!
able to meet in person once again. Scan to Register
■ Classes taught by Carlson
Our guest speaker for the May chapter meeting was Janet Phillips. experts
Janet spoke to us about the Tahoe-Pyramid Trail and some of the ■ Hands-on hardware demos
issues their group is having finishing the trail. Our group was able ■ Introduction to new
to offer Janet some valuable insight on possible solutions to some
of their routing issues. Following the meeting Janet was very
appreciative of the chapter and the ideas we were able to offer her.
We will be taking a break from monthly chapter meetings for the Join Us For Our Free Carlson Western Webinar Series
summer. Our next scheduled monthly meeting will be in September, • Getting Started with Carlson
information for that meeting will be sent out when we are closer to • Creating Carlson Surfaces
the date. While we aren’t having chapter meetings until September, • Advanced Field-to-Finish
• Subdivision Layout with Carlson LotNet
there are events to keep an eye out for this summer. The Lahontan • Drone to Topo with Carlson
Chapter Golf Tournament will be held on July 15 at Toiyabe Golf Club. And many more!
We are also planning on having a chapter BBQ sometime later this
summer. Date is still to be determined for that.
Once again, I would like to thank those members that have Carlson’s Solutions Can Improve Your Output
volunteered to serve on the board and on committees. Contact Your Carlson Dealer or Regional Director to Learn More
Luis Rojas | Regional Sales Director
See you all at the golf tournament. 859-568-8429 |
The Nevada Traverse Vol.49, No.2, 2022 39