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Nevada Young The goal of the first meeting was to bring together young
surveyors for a (finally!) face-to-face meeting. The meeting was
Surveyor’s Network held on March 10th at Brewer’s Cabinet in Reno, NV. The meeting
kicked off with a quick presentation stating the goals of Nevada
YSN and asking for input as to the future meetings and plans for
By: Heather Keenan the group. YSN board members not able to attend in person were
able to attend virtually. If there is enough interest in the future
those unable to attend will be provided a method to attend
virtually. The meeting was attended by 13 young surveyors
all enthusiastic in future meetings and campouts. A vote was
held to determine the date for the next in-person meetup.
Conversations covered a wide range of topics but ended in the
sewer trading stories of nightmarish manhole dips.
The second in-person meetup was held on Saturday, April 9th
at Newlands Park in Reno, NV. The goal of this meetup was to
contribute to the NGS’s GPS on Benchmarks campaign. The
windy Northern Nevada weather gave us a break and a perfect
sunny day. A total of 9 YSN members were able to attend. The
day started off by following NGS guidelines and setting up a base
on KR1217. During the 4 hours of GPS, cooking time members
Southern Nevada Update: enjoyed a BBQ and various survey-related games such as a
The Southern chapter hosted a social during the Western pacing contest won by State Coordinator Nick Montoya. The
Regional Conference on Wednesday. group talked about plans for a meeting in May and the Nevada
YSN campout happening July 29-31 as well as the possibility of
During this social, we had young surveyors from both Nevada attending the California YSN campout at the Mount Diablo Initial
and California! We got some new members for California’s Point June 17-19.
Young surveyor’s network that just found out about the Young
Surveyors network while at the conference. Hopefully, they The two in-person meetings have shown the eagerness of young
will take this to Cal Poly University and help Sarah get more surveyors in Nevada to meet up and network. The informal
membership for California. We also talked about both the state atmosphere has made for great conversations while sharing
campouts. There was also a Roundtable Discussion at the great information with peers working in the same field. For
conference about the young surveyor’s network and how we can more information about YSN be sure to follow us on LinkedIn,
use the network to help with Public Awareness and Outreach. Instagram, or Facebook.
Northern Nevada Update:
The Northern Nevada Chapter of the Young Surveyors Network
(YSN) has begun having in-person meetings again! The interest
in starting in-person meetings was brought up by YSN members
at the February Lahanton NALS meeting.
May Reno Meet up update:
This month Reno hosted an in person meet up at La Posada
Real. We had Dan Church, PLS, present to us Solar and Polaris
observations to get us ready for the summer camp out. So, bring
yourselves and any questions you may have. As always there
was time before and after the presentation to talk to and meet
other young surveyors in the area.
32 The Nevada Traverse Vol.49, No.2, 2022